hvl_ccb.dev package


hvl_ccb.dev.base module

Module with base classes for devices.

class hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device(dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.configuration.ConfigurationMixin, abc.ABC

Base class for devices. Implement this class for a concrete device, such as measurement equipment or voltage sources.

Specifies the methods to implement for a device.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
start() → None[source]

Start or restart this Device. To be implemented in the subclass.

stop() → None[source]

Stop this Device. To be implemented in the subclass.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.base.DeviceExistingException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception to indicate that a device with that name already exists.

class hvl_ccb.dev.base.DeviceSequenceMixin(devices: Dict[str, hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device])[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Mixin that can be used on a device or other classes to provide facilities for handling multiple devices in a sequence.

add_device(name: str, device: hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device) → None[source]

Add a new device to the device sequence.

  • name – is the name of the device.
  • device – is the instantiated Device object.


get_device(name: str) → hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device[source]

Get a device by name.

Parameters:name – is the name of the device.
Returns:the device object from this sequence.
get_devices() → List[Tuple[str, hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device]][source]

Get list of name, device pairs according to current sequence.

Returns:A list of tuples with name and device each.
remove_device(name: str) → hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device[source]

Remove a device from this sequence and return the device object.

Parameters:name – is the name of the device.
Returns:device object or None if such device was not in the sequence.
Raises:ValueError – when device with given name was not found
start() → None[source]

Start all devices in this sequence in their added order.

stop() → None[source]

Stop all devices in this sequence in their reverse order.

class hvl_ccb.dev.base.EmptyConfig[source]

Bases: object

Empty configuration dataclass that is the default configuration for a Device.


Cleans and enforces configuration values. Does nothing by default, but may be overridden to add custom configuration value checks.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
class hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.Device, abc.ABC

Base class for devices with a single communication protocol.


Get the communication protocol of this device.

Returns:an instance of CommunicationProtocol subtype
static default_com_cls() → Type[hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol][source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
start() → None[source]

Open the associated communication protocol.

stop() → None[source]

Close the associated communication protocol.

hvl_ccb.dev.crylas module

Device classes for a CryLas pulsed laser controller and a CryLas laser attenuator, using serial communication.

There are three modes of operation for the laser 1. Laser-internal hardware trigger (default): fixed to 20 Hz and max energy per pulse. 2. Laser-internal software trigger (for diagnosis only). 3. External trigger: required for arbitrary pulse energy or repetition rate. Switch to “external” on the front panel of laser controller for using option 3.

After switching on the laser with laser_on(), the system must stabilize for some minutes. Do not apply abrupt changes of pulse energy or repetition rate.

Manufacturer homepage: https://www.crylas.de/products/pulsed_laser.html

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasAttenuator(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

Device class for the CryLas laser attenuator.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
set_attenuation(percent: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Set the percentage of attenuated light (inverse of set_transmission). :param percent: percentage of attenuation, number between 0 and 100 :raises ValueError: if param percent not between 0 and 100 :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises CryLasAttenuatorError: if the device does not confirm success


Sets the attenuation to its configured initial/default value

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_transmission(percent: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Set the percentage of transmitted light (inverse of set_attenuation). :param percent: percentage of transmitted light :raises ValueError: if param percent not between 0 and 100 :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises CryLasAttenuatorError: if the device does not confirm success

start() → None[source]

Open the com, apply the config value ‘init_attenuation’

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened
class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasAttenuatorConfig(init_attenuation: Union[int, float] = 0, response_sleep_time: Union[int, float] = 1)[source]

Bases: object

Device configuration dataclass for CryLas attenuator.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
init_attenuation = 0
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
response_sleep_time = 1
exception hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasAttenuatorError[source]

Bases: Exception

General error with the CryLas Attenuator.

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasAttenuatorSerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation for the CryLas attenuator. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasAttenuatorSerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 9600, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'', timeout: Union[int, float] = 3)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 9600

Baudrate for CryLas attenuator is 9600 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

CryLas attenuator does not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

CryLas attenuator uses one stop bit

terminator = b''

No terminator

timeout = 3

use 3 seconds timeout as default

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaser(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

CryLas laser controller device class.

class AnswersShutter(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Standard answers of the CryLas laser controller to ‘Shutter’ command passed via com.

CLOSED = 'Shutter inaktiv'
OPENED = 'Shutter aktiv'
class AnswersStatus(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Standard answers of the CryLas laser controller to ‘STATUS’ command passed via com.

ACTIVE = 'STATUS: Laser active'
HEAD = 'STATUS: Head ok'
INACTIVE = 'STATUS: Laser inactive'
READY = 'STATUS: System ready'
TEC1 = 'STATUS: TEC1 Regulation ok'
TEC2 = 'STATUS: TEC2 Regulation ok'
class LaserStatus(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Status of the CryLas laser

class RepetitionRates(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.IntEnum

Repetition rates for the internal software trigger in Hz


alias of CryLasLaserShutterStatus

close_shutter() → None[source]

Close the laser shutter.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
get_pulse_energy_and_rate() → Tuple[int, int][source]

Use the debug mode, return the measured pulse energy and rate.


(energy in micro joule, rate in Hz)

laser_off() → None[source]

Turn the laser off.

laser_on() → None[source]

Turn the laser on.

open_shutter() → None[source]

Open the laser shutter.

set_init_shutter_status() → None[source]

Open or close the shutter, to match the configured shutter_status.

set_pulse_energy(energy: int) → None[source]

Sets the energy of pulses (works only with external hardware trigger). Proceed with small energy steps, or the regulation may fail.


energy – energy in micro joule

set_repetition_rate(rate: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaser.RepetitionRates]) → None[source]

Sets the repetition rate of the internal software trigger.


rate – frequency (Hz) as an integer

start() → None[source]

Opens the communication protocol and configures the device.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened
stop() → None[source]

Stops the device and closes the communication protocol.

update_laser_status() → None[source]

Update the laser status to LaserStatus.NOT_READY or LaserStatus.INACTIVE or LaserStatus.ACTIVE.

Note: laser never explicitly says that it is not ready ( LaserStatus.NOT_READY) in response to ‘STATUS’ command. It only says that it is ready (heated-up and implicitly inactive/off) or active (on). If it’s not either of these then the answer is Answers.HEAD. Moreover, the only time the laser explicitly says that its status is inactive ( Answers.INACTIVE) is after issuing a ‘LASER OFF’ command.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
update_repetition_rate() → None[source]

Query the laser repetition rate.

update_shutter_status() → None[source]

Update the shutter status (OPENED or CLOSED)

update_target_pulse_energy() → None[source]

Query the laser pulse energy.

wait_until_ready() → None[source]

Block execution until the laser is ready

Raises:CryLasLaserError – if the polling thread stops before the laser is ready
class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserConfig(calibration_factor: Union[int, float] = 4.35, polling_period: Union[int, float] = 5, polling_timeout: Union[int, float] = 300, on_start_wait_until_ready: bool = False, auto_laser_on: bool = True, init_shutter_status: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserShutterStatus] = <CryLasLaserShutterStatus.CLOSED: 0>)[source]

Bases: object

Device configuration dataclass for the CryLas laser controller.


alias of CryLasLaserShutterStatus

auto_laser_on = True
calibration_factor = 4.35
force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
init_shutter_status = 0
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
on_start_wait_until_ready = False
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
polling_period = 5
polling_timeout = 300
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
exception hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserError[source]

Bases: Exception

General error with the CryLas Laser.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserNotReadyError[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserError

Error when trying to turn on the CryLas Laser before it is ready.

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserSerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation for the CryLas laser controller. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.


Prefixes of lines that are skipped when read from the serial port.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
query(cmd: str, prefix: str, post_cmd: str = None) → str[source]

Send a command, then read the com until a line starting with prefix, or an empty line, is found. Returns the line in question.

  • cmd – query message to send to the device
  • prefix – start of the line to look for in the device answer
  • post_cmd – optional additional command to send after the query

line in question as a string


SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened

query_all(cmd: str, prefix: str)[source]

Send a command, then read the com until a line starting with prefix, or an empty line, is found. Returns a list of successive lines starting with prefix.

  • cmd – query message to send to the device
  • prefix – start of the line to look for in the device answer

line in question as a string


SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserSerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 19200, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'n', timeout: Union[int, float] = 3)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 19200

Baudrate for CryLas laser is 19200 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

CryLas laser does not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

CryLas laser uses one stop bit

terminator = b'\n'

The terminator is LF

timeout = 3

use 3 seconds timeout as default

class hvl_ccb.dev.crylas.CryLasLaserShutterStatus(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Status of the CryLas laser shutter


hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000 module

Device class for controlling a Elektro Automatik PSI 9000 power supply over VISA.

It is necessary that a backend for pyvisa is installed. This can be NI-Visa oder pyvisa-py (up to know, all the testing was done with NI-Visa)

class hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000(com: Union[hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000VisaCommunication, hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000VisaCommunicationConfig, dict], dev_config: Union[hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000Config, dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDevice

Elektro Automatik PSI 9000 power supply.

check_master_slave_config() → None[source]

Checks if the master / slave configuration and initializes if successful

Raises:PSI9000Error – if master-slave configuration failed
static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Return the default communication protocol for this device type, which is VisaCommunication.

Returns:the VisaCommunication class
get_output() → bool[source]

Reads the current state of the DC output of the source. Returns True, if it is enabled, false otherwise.

Returns:the state of the DC output
get_system_lock() → bool[source]

Get the current lock state of the system. The lock state is true, if the remote control is active and false, if not.

Returns:the current lock state of the device
get_ui_lower_limits() → Tuple[float, float][source]

Get the lower voltage and current limits. A lower power limit does not exist.

Returns:Umin in V, Imin in A
get_uip_upper_limits() → Tuple[float, float, float][source]

Get the upper voltage, current and power limits.

Returns:Umax in V, Imax in A, Pmax in W
get_voltage_current_setpoint() → Tuple[float, float][source]

Get the voltage and current setpoint of the current source.

Returns:Uset in V, Iset in A
measure_voltage_current() → Tuple[float, float][source]

Measure the DC output voltage and current

Returns:Umeas in V, Imeas in A
set_lower_limits(voltage_limit: float = None, current_limit: float = None) → None[source]

Set the lower limits for voltage and current. After writing the values a check is performed if the values are set correctly.

  • voltage_limit – is the lower voltage limit in V
  • current_limit – is the lower current limit in A

PSI9000Error – if the limits are out of range

set_output(target_onstate: bool) → None[source]

Enables / disables the DC output.

Parameters:target_onstate – enable or disable the output power
Raises:PSI9000Error – if operation was not successful
set_system_lock(lock: bool) → None[source]

Lock / unlock the device, after locking the control is limited to this class unlocking only possible when voltage and current are below the defined limits

Parameters:lock – True: locking, False: unlocking
set_upper_limits(voltage_limit: float = None, current_limit: float = None, power_limit: float = None) → None[source]

Set the upper limits for voltage, current and power. After writing the values a check is performed if the values are set. If a parameter is left blank, the maximum configurable limit is set.

  • voltage_limit – is the voltage limit in V
  • current_limit – is the current limit in A
  • power_limit – is the power limit in W

PSI9000Error – if limits are out of range

set_voltage_current(volt: float, current: float) → None[source]

Set voltage and current setpoints.

After setting voltage and current, a check is performed if writing was successful.

  • volt – is the setpoint voltage: 0..81.6 V (1.02 * 0-80 V) (absolute max, can be smaller if limits are set)
  • current – is the setpoint current: 0..2080.8 A (1.02 * 0 - 2040 A) (absolute max, can be smaller if limits are set)

PSI9000Error – if the desired setpoint is out of limits

start() → None[source]

Start this device.

stop() → None[source]

Stop this device. Turns off output and lock, if enabled.

class hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000Config(spoll_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.5, spoll_start_delay: Union[int, float] = 2, power_limit: Union[int, float] = 43500, voltage_lower_limit: Union[int, float] = 0.0, voltage_upper_limit: Union[int, float] = 10.0, current_lower_limit: Union[int, float] = 0.0, current_upper_limit: Union[int, float] = 2040.0, wait_sec_system_lock: Union[int, float] = 0.5, wait_sec_settings_effect: Union[int, float] = 1, wait_sec_initialisation: Union[int, float] = 2)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDeviceConfig

Elektro Automatik PSI 9000 power supply device class. The device is communicating over a VISA TCP socket.

Using this power supply, DC voltage and current can be supplied to a load with up to 2040 A and 80 V (using all four available units in parallel). The maximum power is limited by the grid, being at 43.5 kW available through the CEE63 power socket.

clean_values() → None[source]

Cleans and enforces configuration values. Does nothing by default, but may be overridden to add custom configuration value checks.

current_lower_limit = 0.0

Lower current limit in A, depending on the experimental setup.

current_upper_limit = 2040.0

Upper current limit in A, depending on the experimental setup.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
power_limit = 43500

Power limit in W depending on the experimental setup. With 3x63A, this is 43.5kW. Do not change this value, if you do not know what you are doing. There is no lower power limit.

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
voltage_lower_limit = 0.0

Lower voltage limit in V, depending on the experimental setup.

voltage_upper_limit = 10.0

Upper voltage limit in V, depending on the experimental setup.

wait_sec_initialisation = 2
wait_sec_settings_effect = 1
wait_sec_system_lock = 0.5
exception hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000Error[source]

Bases: Exception

Base error class regarding problems with the PSI 9000 supply.

class hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000VisaCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunication

Communication protocol used with the PSI 9000 power supply.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
class hvl_ccb.dev.ea_psi9000.PSI9000VisaCommunicationConfig(host: str, interface_type: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig.InterfaceType] = <InterfaceType.TCPIP_SOCKET: 1>, board: int = 0, port: int = 5025, timeout: int = 5000, chunk_size: int = 204800, open_timeout: int = 1000, write_termination: str = 'n', read_termination: str = 'n', visa_backend: str = '')[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig

Visa communication protocol config dataclass with specification for the PSI 9000 power supply.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
interface_type = 1
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.

hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger module

Device classes for Heinzinger Digital Interface I/II and Heinzinger PNC power supply.

The Heinzinger Digital Interface I/II is used for many Heinzinger power units. Manufacturer homepage: https://www.heinzinger.com/products/accessories-and-more/digital-interfaces/

The Heinzinger PNC series is a series of high voltage direct current power supplies. The class HeinzingerPNC is tested with two PNChp 60000-1neg and a PNChp 1500-1neg. Check the code carefully before using it with other PNC devices, especially PNC3p or PNCcap. Manufacturer homepage: https://www.heinzinger.com/products/high-voltage/universal-high-voltage-power-supplies/

class hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerConfig(default_number_of_recordings: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerConfig.RecordingsEnum] = 1, number_of_decimals: int = 6, wait_sec_stop_commands: Union[int, float] = 0.5)[source]

Bases: object

Device configuration dataclass for Heinzinger power supplies.

class RecordingsEnum[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

FOUR = 4
ONE = 1
TWO = 2
default_number_of_recordings = 1
force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
number_of_decimals = 6
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
wait_sec_stop_commands = 0.5

Time to wait after subsequent commands during stop (in seconds)

class hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerDI(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice, abc.ABC

Heinzinger Digital Interface I/II device class

Sends basic SCPI commands and reads the answer. Only the standard instruction set from the manual is implemented.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
get_current() → float[source]

Queries the set current of the Heinzinger PNC (not the measured current!).

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
get_interface_version() → str[source]

Queries the version number of the digital interface.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
get_number_of_recordings() → int[source]

Queries the number of recordings the device is using for average value calculation.

Returns:int number of recordings
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
get_serial_number() → str[source]

Ask the device for its serial number and returns the answer as a string.

Returns:string containing the device serial number
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
get_voltage() → float[source]

Queries the set voltage of the Heinzinger PNC (not the measured voltage!).

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
measure_current() → float[source]

Ask the Device to measure its output current and return the measurement result.

Returns:measured current as float
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
measure_voltage() → float[source]

Ask the Device to measure its output voltage and return the measurement result.

Returns:measured voltage as float
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
output_off() → None[source]

Switch DC voltage output off.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
output_on() → None[source]

Switch DC voltage output on.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
reset_interface() → None[source]

Reset of the digital interface; only Digital Interface I: Power supply is switched to the Local-Mode (Manual operation)

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_current(value: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Sets the output current of the Heinzinger PNC to the given value.

Parameters:value – current expressed in self.unit_current
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_number_of_recordings(value: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerConfig.RecordingsEnum]) → None[source]

Sets the number of recordings the device is using for average value calculation. The possible values are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_voltage(value: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Sets the output voltage of the Heinzinger PNC to the given value.

Parameters:value – voltage expressed in self.unit_voltage
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened

Opens the communication protocol.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened.
stop() → None[source]

Stop the device. Closes also the communication protocol.

class hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNC(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerDI

Heinzinger PNC power supply device class.

The power supply is controlled over a Heinzinger Digital Interface I/II

class UnitCurrent(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

A = 3
mA = 2
class UnitVoltage(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

V = 2
kV = 3
identify_device() → None[source]

Identify the device nominal voltage and current based on its serial number.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_current(value: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Sets the output current of the Heinzinger PNC to the given value.

Parameters:value – current expressed in self.unit_current
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_voltage(value: Union[int, float]) → None[source]

Sets the output voltage of the Heinzinger PNC to the given value.

Parameters:value – voltage expressed in self.unit_voltage
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
start() → None[source]

Opens the communication protocol and configures the device.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCDeviceNotRecognizedException[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCError

Error indicating that the serial number of the device is not recognized.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCError[source]

Bases: Exception

General error with the Heinzinger PNC voltage source.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCMaxCurrentExceededException[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCError

Error indicating that program attempted to set the current to a value exceeding ‘max_current’.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCMaxVoltageExceededException[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerPNCError

Error indicating that program attempted to set the voltage to a value exceeding ‘max_voltage’.

class hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerSerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation for Heinzinger power supplies. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
read_text_nonempty(n_attempts_max: int = 40) → str[source]

Reads from the serial port, until a non-empty line is found, or the number of attempts is exceeded.

  • n_attempts_max – maximum number of read attempts
  • attempt_interval_sec – interval between subsequent attempts in seconds

String read from the serial port; ‘’ if number of attempts is exceeded or serial port is not opened.

class hvl_ccb.dev.heinzinger.HeinzingerSerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 9600, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'n', timeout: Union[int, float] = 3, wait_sec_read_text_nonempty: Union[int, float] = 0.5)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 9600

Baudrate for Heinzinger power supplies is 9600 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

Heinzinger does not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

Heinzinger uses one stop bit

terminator = b'\n'

The terminator is LF

timeout = 3

use 3 seconds timeout as default

wait_sec_read_text_nonempty = 0.5

time to wait between attempts of reading a non-empty text

hvl_ccb.dev.labjack module

Labjack Device for hvl_ccb. Originally developed and tested for LabJack T7-PRO.

Makes use of the LabJack LJM Library Python wrapper. This wrapper needs an installation of the LJM Library for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. Go to: https://labjack.com/support/software/installers/ljm and https://labjack.com/support/software/examples/ljm/python

class hvl_ccb.dev.labjack.LabJack(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

LabJack Device.

This class is tested with a LabJack T7-Pro and should also work with T4 and T7 devices communicating through the LJM Library. Other or older hardware versions and variants of LabJack devices are not supported.

class AInRange(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.StrEnumBase

ONE = 1.0
TEN = 10.0
class CalMicroAmpere(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Pre-defined microampere (uA) values for calibration current source query.

TEN = '10uA'
class CjcType(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

CJC slope and offset

internal = (1, 0)
lm34 = (55.56, 255.37)

alias of hvl_ccb._dev.labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel

class DIOStatus(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.IntEnum

State of a digital I/O channel.

HIGH = 1
LOW = 0
class DeviceType(*args, **kwds)

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

LabJack device types.

Can be also looked up by ambigious Product ID (p_id) or by instance name: `python LabJackDeviceType(4) is LabJackDeviceType('T4') `

ANY = 1
T4 = 2
T7 = 3
T7_PRO = 4
get_by_p_id = <bound method DeviceType.get_by_p_id of <aenum 'DeviceType'>>
class TemperatureUnit(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

Temperature unit (to be returned)

C = 1
F = 2
K = 0
class ThermocoupleType(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

Thermocouple type; NONE means disable thermocouple mode.

C = 30
E = 20
J = 21
K = 22
NONE = 0
PT100 = 40
PT1000 = 42
PT500 = 41
R = 23
S = 25
T = 24
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
get_ain(*channels) → Union[float, Sequence[float]][source]

Read currently measured value (voltage, resistance, …) from one or more of analog inputs.

Parameters:channels – AIN number or numbers (0..254)
Returns:the read value (voltage, resistance, …) as float`or `tuple of them in case multiple channels given
get_cal_current_source(name: Union[str, CalMicroAmpere]) → float[source]

This function will return the calibration of the chosen current source, this ist not a measurement!

The value was stored during fabrication.

Parameters:name – ‘200uA’ or ‘10uA’ current source
Returns:calibration of the chosen current source in ampere
get_digital_input(address: Union[str, hvl_ccb._dev.labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel]) → hvl_ccb.dev.labjack.LabJack.DIOStatus[source]

Get the value of a digital input.

allowed names for T7 (Pro): FIO0 - FIO7, EIO0 - EIO 7, CIO0- CIO3, MIO0 - MIO2 :param address: name of the output -> ‘FIO0’ :return: HIGH when address DIO is high, and LOW when address DIO is low

get_product_id() → int[source]

This function returns the product ID reported by the connected device.

Attention: returns 7 for both T7 and T7-Pro devices!

Returns:integer product ID of the device
get_product_name(force_query_id=False) → str[source]

This function will return the product name based on product ID reported by the device.

Attention: returns “T7” for both T7 and T7-Pro devices!

Parameters:force_query_id – boolean flag to force get_product_id query to device instead of using cached device type from previous queries.
Returns:device name string, compatible with LabJack.DeviceType
get_product_type(force_query_id: bool = False) → hvl_ccb._dev.labjack.DeviceType[source]

This function will return the device type based on reported device type and in case of unambiguity based on configuration of device’s communication protocol (e.g. for “T7” and “T7_PRO” devices), or, if not available first matching.

Parameters:force_query_id – boolean flag to force get_product_id query to device instead of using cached device type from previous queries.
Returns:DeviceType instance
Raises:LabJackIdentifierDIOError – when read Product ID is unknown
get_sbus_rh(number: int) → float[source]

Read the relative humidity value from a serial SBUS sensor.

Parameters:number – port number (0..22)
Returns:relative humidity in %RH
get_sbus_temp(number: int) → float[source]

Read the temperature value from a serial SBUS sensor.

Parameters:number – port number (0..22)
Returns:temperature in Kelvin
get_serial_number() → int[source]

Returns the serial number of the connected LabJack.

Returns:Serial number.
read_resistance(channel: int) → float[source]

Read resistance from specified channel.

Parameters:channel – channel with resistor
Returns:resistance value with 2 decimal places
read_thermocouple(pos_channel: int) → float[source]

Read the temperature of a connected thermocouple.

Parameters:pos_channel – is the AIN number of the positive pin
Returns:temperature in specified unit
set_ain_differential(pos_channel: int, differential: bool) → None[source]

Sets an analog input to differential mode or not. T7-specific: For base differential channels, positive must be even channel from 0-12 and negative must be positive+1. For extended channels 16-127, see Mux80 datasheet.

  • pos_channel – is the AIN number (0..12)
  • differential – True or False

LabJackError – if parameters are unsupported

set_ain_range(channel: int, vrange: Union[Real, AInRange]) → None[source]

Set the range of an analog input port.

  • channel – is the AIN number (0..254)
  • vrange – is the voltage range to be set
set_ain_resistance(channel: int, vrange: Union[Real, AInRange], resolution: int) → None[source]

Set the specified channel to resistance mode. It utilized the 200uA current source of the LabJack.

  • channel – channel that should measure the resistance
  • vrange – voltage range of the channel
  • resolution – resolution index of the channel T4: 0-5, T7: 0-8, T7-Pro 0-12
set_ain_resolution(channel: int, resolution: int) → None[source]

Set the resolution index of an analog input port.

  • channel – is the AIN number (0..254)
  • resolution – is the resolution index within 0…`get_product_type().ain_max_resolution` range; 0 will set the resolution index to default value.
set_ain_thermocouple(pos_channel: int, thermocouple: Union[None, str, ThermocoupleType], cjc_address: int = 60050, cjc_type: Union[str, CjcType] = <CjcType.internal: (1, 0)>, vrange: Union[Real, AInRange] = <AInRange.ONE_HUNDREDTH: '0.01'>, resolution: int = 10, unit: Union[str, TemperatureUnit] = <TemperatureUnit.K: 0>) → None[source]

Set the analog input channel to thermocouple mode.

  • pos_channel – is the analog input channel of the positive part of the differential pair
  • thermocouple – None to disable thermocouple mode, or string specifying the thermocouple type
  • cjc_address – modbus register address to read the CJC temperature
  • cjc_type – determines cjc slope and offset, ‘internal’ or ‘lm34’
  • vrange – measurement voltage range
  • resolution – resolution index (T7-Pro: 0-12)
  • unit – is the temperature unit to be returned (‘K’, ‘C’ or ‘F’)

LabJackError – if parameters are unsupported

set_digital_output(address: str, state: Union[int, DIOStatus]) → None[source]

Set the value of a digital output.

  • address – name of the output -> ‘FIO0’
  • state – state of the output -> DIOStatus instance or corresponding int value
start() → None[source]

Start the Device.

stop() → None[source]

Stop the Device.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.labjack.LabJackError[source]

Bases: Exception

Errors of the LabJack device.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.labjack.LabJackIdentifierDIOError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error indicating a wrong DIO identifier

hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973 module

Device class for controlling a MBW 973 SF6 Analyzer over a serial connection.

The MBW 973 is a gas analyzer designed for gas insulated switchgear and measures humidity, SF6 purity and SO2 contamination in one go. Manufacturer homepage: https://www.mbw.ch/products/sf6-gas-analysis/973-sf6-analyzer/

class hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

MBW 973 dew point mirror device class.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
is_done() → bool[source]

Poll status of the dew point mirror and return True, if all measurements are done.

Returns:True, if all measurements are done; False otherwise.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
read(cast_type: Type[CT_co] = <class 'str'>)[source]

Read value from self.com and cast to cast_type. Raises ValueError if read text (str) is not convertible to cast_type, e.g. to float or to int.

Returns:Read value of cast_type type.
read_float() → float[source]

Convenience wrapper for self.read(), with typing hint for return value.

Returns:Read float value.
read_int() → int[source]

Convenience wrapper for self.read(), with typing hint for return value.

Returns:Read int value.
read_measurements() → Dict[str, float][source]

Read out measurement values and return them as a dictionary.

Returns:Dictionary with values.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
set_measuring_options(humidity: bool = True, sf6_purity: bool = False) → None[source]

Send measuring options to the dew point mirror.

  • humidity – Perform humidity test or not?
  • sf6_purity – Perform SF6 purity test or not?

SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened

start() → None[source]

Start this device. Opens the communication protocol and retrieves the set measurement options from the device.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened.
start_control() → None[source]

Start dew point control to acquire a new value set.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
stop() → None[source]

Stop the device. Closes also the communication protocol.

write(value) → None[source]

Send value to self.com.

Parameters:value – Value to send, converted to str.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
class hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973Config(polling_interval: Union[int, float] = 2)[source]

Bases: object

Device configuration dataclass for MBW973.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
polling_interval = 2

Polling period for is_done status queries [in seconds].

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
exception hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973ControlRunningException[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973Error

Error indicating there is still a measurement running, and a new one cannot be started.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973Error[source]

Bases: Exception

General error with the MBW973 dew point mirror device.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973PumpRunningException[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973Error

Error indicating the pump of the dew point mirror is still recovering gas, unable to start a new measurement.

class hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973SerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation for the MBW973 dew point mirror. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
class hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.MBW973SerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 9600, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'r', timeout: Union[int, float] = 3)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 9600

Baudrate for MBW973 is 9600 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

MBW973 does not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

MBW973 does use one stop bit

terminator = b'\r'

The terminator is only CR

timeout = 3

use 3 seconds timeout as default

class hvl_ccb.dev.mbw973.Poller(period: float, callback: Callable)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper for the threading.Timer class to periodically poll data.

start() → None[source]

Start the polling timer.

stop() → None[source]

Stop the polling timer.

timer_callback() → None[source]

Callback method that is called every time the timer elapses. It calls the specified user callback function and restarts the timer.

hvl_ccb.dev.newport module

Device class for Newport SMC100PP stepper motor controller with serial communication.

The SMC100PP is a single axis motion controller/driver for stepper motors up to 48 VDC at 1.5 A rms. Up to 31 controllers can be networked through the internal RS-485 communication link.

Manufacturer homepage: https://www.newport.com/f/smc100-single-axis-dc-or-stepper-motion-controller

class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportConfigCommands(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

Commands predefined by the communication protocol of the SMC100PP

AC = 'acceleration'
BA = 'backlash_compensation'
BH = 'hysteresis_compensation'
FRM = 'micro_step_per_full_step_factor'
FRS = 'motion_distance_per_full_step'
HT = 'home_search_type'
JR = 'jerk_time'
OH = 'home_search_velocity'
OT = 'home_search_timeout'
QIL = 'peak_output_current_limit'
SA = 'rs485_address'
SL = 'negative_software_limit'
SR = 'positive_software_limit'
VA = 'velocity'
VB = 'base_velocity'
ZX = 'stage_configuration'
exception hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportControllerError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error with the Newport controller.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportMotorError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error with the Newport motor.

class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PP(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

Device class of the Newport motor controller SMC100PP

class MotorErrors(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Possible motor errors reported by the motor during get_state().

class StateMessages(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Possible messages returned by the controller on get_state() query.

CONFIG = '14'
MOVING = '28'

alias of NewportStates

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
exit_configuration(add: int = None) → None[source]

Exit the CONFIGURATION state and go back to the NOT REFERENCED state. All configuration parameters are saved to the device”s memory.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

get_acceleration(add: int = None) → Union[int, float][source]

Leave the configuration state. The configuration parameters are saved to the device”s memory.


add – controller address (1 to 31)


acceleration (preset units/s^2), value between 1e-6 and 1e12

get_controller_information(add: int = None) → str[source]

Get information on the controller name and driver version


add – controller address (1 to 31)


controller information

get_motor_configuration(add: int = None) → Dict[str, float][source]

Query the motor configuration and returns it in a dictionary.


add – controller address (1 to 31)


dictionary containing the motor’s configuration

get_move_duration(dist: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → float[source]

Estimate the time necessary to move the motor of the specified distance.

  • dist – distance to travel
  • add – controller address (1 to 31), defaults to self.address
get_negative_software_limit(add: int = None) → Union[int, float][source]

Get the negative software limit (the maximum position that the motor is allowed to travel to towards the left).


add – controller address (1 to 31)


negative software limit (preset units), value between -1e12 and 0

get_position(add: int = None) → float[source]

Returns the value of the current position.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

get_positive_software_limit(add: int = None) → Union[int, float][source]

Get the positive software limit (the maximum position that the motor is allowed to travel to towards the right).


add – controller address (1 to 31)


positive software limit (preset units), value between 0 and 1e12

get_state(add: int = None) → StateMessages[source]

Check on the motor errors and the controller state


add – controller address (1 to 31)


state message from the device (member of StateMessages)

go_home(add: int = None) → None[source]

Move the motor to its home position.


add – controller address (1 to 31), defaults to self.address

go_to_configuration(add: int = None) → None[source]

This method is executed during start(). It can also be executed after a reset(). The controller is put in CONFIG state, where configuration parameters can be changed.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

initialize(add: int = None) → None[source]

Puts the controller from the NOT_REF state to the READY state. Sends the motor to its “home” position.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

move_to_absolute_position(pos: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → None[source]

Move the motor to the specified position.

  • pos – target absolute position (affected by the configured offset)
  • add – controller address (1 to 31), defaults to self.address
move_to_relative_position(pos: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → None[source]

Move the motor of the specified distance.

  • pos – distance to travel (the sign gives the direction)
  • add – controller address (1 to 31), defaults to self.address
reset(add: int = None) → None[source]

Resets the controller, equivalent to a power-up. This puts the controller back to NOT REFERENCED state, which is necessary for configuring the controller.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

set_acceleration(acc: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → None[source]

Leave the configuration state. The configuration parameters are saved to the device”s memory.

  • acc – acceleration (preset units/s^2), value between 1e-6 and 1e12
  • add – controller address (1 to 31)
set_motor_configuration(add: int = None, config: dict = None) → None[source]

Set the motor configuration. The motor must be in CONFIG state.

  • add – controller address (1 to 31)
  • config – dictionary containing the motor’s configuration
set_negative_software_limit(lim: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → None[source]

Set the negative software limit (the maximum position that the motor is allowed to travel to towards the left).

  • lim – negative software limit (preset units), value between -1e12 and 0
  • add – controller address (1 to 31)
set_positive_software_limit(lim: Union[int, float], add: int = None) → None[source]

Set the positive software limit (the maximum position that the motor is allowed to travel to towards the right).

  • lim – positive software limit (preset units), value between 0 and 1e12
  • add – controller address (1 to 31)

Opens the communication protocol and applies the config.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened
stop() → None[source]

Stop the device. Close the communication protocol.

stop_motion(add: int = None) → None[source]

Stop a move in progress by decelerating the positioner immediately with the configured acceleration until it stops. If a controller address is provided, stops a move in progress on this controller, else stops the moves on all controllers.


add – controller address (1 to 31)

wait_until_motor_initialized(add: int = None) → None[source]

Wait until the motor leaves the HOMING state (at which point it should have arrived to the home position).


add – controller address (1 to 31)

wait_until_move_finished(add: int = None) → None[source]

Wait until the motor leaves the MOVING state (at which point it should have arrived to the target position).


add – controller address (1 to 31)

class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PPConfig(address: int = 1, user_position_offset: Union[int, float] = 23.987, screw_scaling: Union[int, float] = 1, exit_configuration_wait_sec: Union[int, float] = 5, move_finished_extra_wait_sec: Union[int, float] = 1, acceleration: Union[int, float] = 10, backlash_compensation: Union[int, float] = 0, hysteresis_compensation: Union[int, float] = 0.015, micro_step_per_full_step_factor: int = 100, motion_distance_per_full_step: Union[int, float] = 0.01, home_search_type: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PPConfig.HomeSearch] = <HomeSearch.HomeSwitch: 2>, jerk_time: Union[int, float] = 0.04, home_search_velocity: Union[int, float] = 4, home_search_timeout: Union[int, float] = 27.5, home_search_polling_interval: Union[int, float] = 1, peak_output_current_limit: Union[int, float] = 0.4, rs485_address: int = 2, negative_software_limit: Union[int, float] = -23.5, positive_software_limit: Union[int, float] = 25, velocity: Union[int, float] = 4, base_velocity: Union[int, float] = 0, stage_configuration: Union[int, hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PPConfig.EspStageConfig] = <EspStageConfig.EnableEspStageCheck: 3>)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration dataclass for the Newport motor controller SMC100PP.

class EspStageConfig(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.IntEnum

Different configurations to check or not the motor configuration upon power-up.

DisableEspStageCheck = 1
EnableEspStageCheck = 3
UpdateEspStageInfo = 2
class HomeSearch(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.IntEnum

Different methods for the motor to search its home position during initialization.

CurrentPosition = 1
EndOfRunSwitch = 4
EndOfRunSwitch_and_Index = 3
HomeSwitch = 2
HomeSwitch_and_Index = 0
acceleration = 10
address = 1
backlash_compensation = 0
base_velocity = 0
exit_configuration_wait_sec = 5
force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
home_search_polling_interval = 1
home_search_timeout = 27.5
home_search_type = 2
home_search_velocity = 4
hysteresis_compensation = 0.015
is_configdataclass = True
jerk_time = 0.04
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
micro_step_per_full_step_factor = 100
motion_distance_per_full_step = 0.01

Gather the configuration parameters of the motor into a dictionary.

Returns:dict containing the configuration parameters of the motor
move_finished_extra_wait_sec = 1
negative_software_limit = -23.5
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
peak_output_current_limit = 0.4
positive_software_limit = 25
post_force_value(fieldname, value)[source]
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
rs485_address = 2
screw_scaling = 1
stage_configuration = 3
user_position_offset = 23.987
velocity = 4
class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PPSerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation Heinzinger power supplies. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.

class ControllerErrors(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Possible controller errors with values as returned by the device in response to sent commands.

NO_ERROR = '@'
static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
query(add: int, cmd: str, param: Union[int, float, str, None] = None) → str[source]

Send a query to the controller, read the answer, and check for errors. The prefix add+cmd is removed from the answer.

  • add – the controller address (1 to 31)
  • cmd – the command to be sent
  • param – optional parameter (int/float/str) appended to the command

the answer from the device without the prefix

query_multiple(add: int, cmd: str, prefixes: List[str]) → List[str][source]

Send a query to the controller, read the answers, and check for errors. The prefixes are removed from the answers.

  • add – the controller address (1 to 31)
  • cmd – the command to be sent
  • prefixes – prefixes of each line expected in the answer

list of answers from the device without prefix

send_command(add: int, cmd: str, param: Union[int, float, str, None] = None) → None[source]

Send a command to the controller, and check for errors.

  • add – the controller address (1 to 31)
  • cmd – the command to be sent
  • param – optional parameter (int/float/str) appended to the command
send_stop(add: int) → None[source]

Send the general stop ST command to the controller, and check for errors.


add – the controller address (1 to 31)


ControllerErrors reported by Newport Controller

class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSMC100PPSerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 57600, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'rn', timeout: Union[int, float] = 10)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 57600

Baudrate for Heinzinger power supplies is 9600 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

Heinzinger does not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

Heinzinger uses one stop bit

terminator = b'\r\n'

The terminator is CR/LF

timeout = 10

use 10 seconds timeout as default

exception hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportSerialCommunicationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Communication error with the Newport controller.

class hvl_ccb.dev.newport.NewportStates(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

States of the Newport controller. Certain commands are allowed only in certain states.

NO_REF = 1

hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg module

Device class for Pfeiffer TPG controllers.

The Pfeiffer TPG control units are used to control Pfeiffer Compact Gauges. Models: TPG 251 A, TPG 252 A, TPG 256A, TPG 261, TPG 262, TPG 361, TPG 362 and TPG 366.

Manufacturer homepage: https://www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com/en/products/measurement-analysis/ measurement/activeline/controllers/

class hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPG(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

Pfeiffer TPG control unit device class

class PressureUnits(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

Enum of available pressure units for the digital display. “0” corresponds either to bar or to mbar depending on the TPG model. In case of doubt, the unit is visible on the digital display.

Micron = 3
Pascal = 2
Torr = 1
Volt = 5
bar = 0
hPascal = 4
mbar = 0
class SensorStatus[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Identification_error = 6
No_sensor = 5
Ok = 0
Overrange = 2
Sensor_error = 3
Sensor_off = 4
Underrange = 1
class SensorTypes

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

CMR = 4
IKR = 2
IKR11 = 2
IKR9 = 2
IMR = 5
None = 7
PBR = 6
PKR = 3
TPR = 1
noSENSOR = 7
noSen = 7
static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
get_full_scale_mbar() → List[Union[int, float]][source]

Get the full scale range of the attached sensors


full scale range values in mbar, like [0.01, 1, 0.1, 1000, 50000, 10]

get_full_scale_unitless() → List[int][source]

Get the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual.


list of full scale range values, like [0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]

identify_sensors() → None[source]

Send identification request TID to sensors on all channels.

measure(channel: int) → Tuple[str, float][source]

Get the status and measurement of one sensor

Parameters:channel – int channel on which the sensor is connected, with

1 <= channel <= number_of_sensors :return: measured value as float if measurement successful, sensor status as string if not :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails

measure_all() → List[Tuple[str, float]][source]

Get the status and measurement of all sensors (this command is not available on all models)

Returns:list of measured values as float if measurements successful,

and or sensor status as strings if not :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails

set_display_unit(unit: Union[str, hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPG.PressureUnits]) → None[source]

Set the unit in which the measurements are shown on the display.

set_full_scale_mbar(fsr: List[Union[int, float]]) → None[source]

Set the full scale range of the attached sensors (in unit mbar)


fsr – full scale range values in mbar, for example [0.01, 1000]

set_full_scale_unitless(fsr: List[int]) → None[source]

Set the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual.


fsr – list of full scale range values, like [0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]

start() → None[source]

Start this device. Opens the communication protocol, and identify the sensors.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened
stop() → None[source]

Stop the device. Closes also the communication protocol.


The pressure unit of readings is always mbar, regardless of the display unit.

class hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPGConfig(model: Union[str, hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPGConfig.Model] = <Model.TPG25xA: {1: 0, 10: 1, 100: 2, 1000: 3, 2000: 4, 5000: 5, 10000: 6, 50000: 7, 0.1: 8}>)[source]

Bases: object

Device configuration dataclass for Pfeiffer TPG controllers.

class Model(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.NameEnum

TPG25xA = {0.1: 8, 1: 0, 10: 1, 100: 2, 1000: 3, 2000: 4, 5000: 5, 10000: 6, 50000: 7}
TPGx6x = {0.01: 0, 0.1: 1, 1: 2, 10: 3, 100: 4, 1000: 5, 2000: 6, 5000: 7, 10000: 8, 50000: 9}
is_valid_scale_range_reversed_str(v: str) → bool[source]

Check if given string represents a valid reversed scale range of a model.

Parameters:v – Reversed scale range string.
Returns:True if valid, False otherwise.
force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
model = {0.1: 8, 1: 0, 10: 1, 100: 2, 1000: 3, 2000: 4, 5000: 5, 10000: 6, 50000: 7}
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
exception hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPGError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error with the Pfeiffer TPG Controller.

class hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPGSerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication

Specific communication protocol implementation for Pfeiffer TPG controllers. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
query(cmd: str) → str[source]

Send a query, then read and returns the first line from the com port.


cmd – query message to send to the device


first line read on the com


the answer from the device is empty

send_command(cmd: str) → None[source]

Send a command to the device and check for acknowledgement.


cmd – command to send to the device


expected acknowledgement character ‘chr(6)’.

class hvl_ccb.dev.pfeiffer_tpg.PfeifferTPGSerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int = 9600, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity] = <SerialCommunicationParity.NONE: 'N'>, stopbits: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits] = <SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE: 1>, bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize] = <SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS: 8>, terminator: bytes = b'rn', timeout: Union[int, float] = 3)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig

baudrate = 9600

Baudrate for Pfeiffer TPG controllers is 9600 baud

bytesize = 8

One byte is eight bits long

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = 'N'

Pfeiffer TPG controllers do not use parity

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = 1

Pfeiffer TPG controllers use one stop bit

terminator = b'\r\n'

The terminator is <CR><LF>

timeout = 3

use 3 seconds timeout as default

hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024 module

Python module for the Rhode & Schwarz RTO 1024 oscilloscope. The communication to the device is through VISA, type TCPIP / INSTR.

class hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024(com: Union[hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024VisaCommunication, hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024VisaCommunicationConfig, dict], dev_config: Union[hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024Config, dict])[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDevice

Device class for the Rhode & Schwarz RTO 1024 oscilloscope.

class TriggerModes(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

Enumeration for the three available trigger modes.

AUTO = 1
names = <bound method RTO1024.TriggerModes.names of <aenum 'TriggerModes'>>[source]
backup_waveform(filename: str) → None[source]

Backup a waveform file from the standard directory specified in the device configuration to the standard backup destination specified in the device configuration. The filename has to be specified without .bin or path.

Parameters:filename – The waveform filename without extension and path
static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Return the default communication protocol for this device type, which is VisaCommunication.

Returns:the VisaCommunication class
file_copy(source: str, destination: str) → None[source]

Copy a file from one destination to another on the oscilloscope drive. If the destination file already exists, it is overwritten without notice.

  • source – absolute path to the source file on the DSO filesystem
  • destination – absolute path to the destination file on the DSO filesystem

RTO1024Error – if the operation did not complete

get_timestamps() → List[float][source]

Gets the timestamps of all recorded frames in the history and returns them as a list of floats.

Returns:list of timestamps in [s]
Raises:RTO1024Error – if the timestamps are invalid
list_directory(path: str) → List[Tuple[str, str, int]][source]

List the contents of a given directory on the oscilloscope filesystem.

Parameters:path – is the path to a folder
Returns:a list of filenames in the given folder
load_configuration(filename: str) → None[source]

Load current settings from a configuration file. The filename has to be specified without base directory and ‘.dfl’ extension.

Information from the manual ReCaLl calls up the instrument settings from an intermediate memory identified by the specified number. The instrument settings can be stored to this memory using the command *SAV with the associated number. It also activates the instrument settings which are stored in a file and loaded using MMEMory:LOAD:STATe .

Parameters:filename – is the name of the settings file without path and extension
local_display(state: bool) → None[source]

Enable or disable local display of the scope.

Parameters:state – is the desired local display state
prepare_ultra_segmentation() → None[source]

Make ready for a new acquisition in ultra segmentation mode. This function does one acquisition without ultra segmentation to clear the history and prepare for a new measurement.

run_continuous_acquisition() → None[source]

Start acquiring continuously.

run_single_acquisition() → None[source]

Start a single or Nx acquisition.

save_configuration(filename: str) → None[source]

Save the current oscilloscope settings to a file. The filename has to be specified without path and ‘.dfl’ extension, the file will be saved to the configured settings directory.

Information from the manual SAVe stores the current instrument settings under the specified number in an intermediate memory. The settings can be recalled using the command *RCL with the associated number. To transfer the stored instrument settings to a file, use MMEMory:STORe:STATe .

Parameters:filename – is the name of the settings file without path and extension
save_waveform_history(filename: str, channel: int, waveform: int = 1) → None[source]

Save the history of one channel and one waveform to a .bin file. This function is used after an acquisition using sequence trigger mode (with or without ultra segmentation) was performed.

  • filename – is the name (without extension) of the file
  • channel – is the channel number
  • waveform – is the waveform number (typically 1)

RTO1024Error – if storing waveform times out

set_acquire_length(timerange: float) → None[source]

Defines the time of one acquisition, that is the time across the 10 divisions of the diagram.

  • Range: 250E-12 … 500 [s]
  • Increment: 1E-12 [s]
  • *RST = 0.5 [s]
Parameters:timerange – is the time for one acquisition. Range: 250e-12 … 500 [s]
set_channel_position(channel: int, position: float) → None[source]

Sets the vertical position of the indicated channel as a graphical value.

  • Range: -5.0 … 5.0 [div]
  • Increment: 0.02
  • *RST = 0
  • channel – is the channel number (1..4)
  • position – is the position. Positive values move the waveform up, negative values move it down.
set_channel_range(channel: int, v_range: float) → None[source]

Sets the voltage range across the 10 vertical divisions of the diagram. Use the command alternatively instead of set_channel_scale.

  • Range for range: Depends on attenuation factors and coupling. With 1:1 probe and external attenuations and 50 Ω input coupling, the range is 10 mV to 10 V. For 1 MΩ input coupling, it is 10 mV to 100 V. If the probe and/or external attenuation is changed, multiply the range values by the attenuation factors.
  • Increment: 0.01
  • *RST = 0.5
  • channel – is the channel number (1..4)
  • v_range – is the vertical range [V]
set_channel_scale(channel: int, scale: float) → None[source]

Sets the vertical scale for the indicated channel. The scale value is given in volts per division.

  • Range for scale: depends on attenuation factor and coupling. With 1:1 probe and external attenuations and 50 Ω input coupling, the vertical scale (input sensitivity) is 1 mV/div to 1 V/div. For 1 MΩ input coupling, it is 1 mV/div to 10 V/div. If the probe and/or external attenuation is changed, multiply the values by the attenuation factors to get the actual scale range.
  • Increment: 1e-3
  • *RST = 0.05

See also: set_channel_range

  • channel – is the channel number (1..4)
  • scale – is the vertical scaling [V/div]
set_channel_state(channel: int, state: bool) → None[source]

Switches the channel signal on or off.

  • channel – is the input channel (1..4)
  • state – is True for on, False for off
set_reference_point(percentage: int) → None[source]

Sets the reference point of the time scale in % of the display. If the “Trigger offset” is zero, the trigger point matches the reference point. ReferencePoint = zero pint of the time scale

  • Range: 0 … 100 [%]
  • Increment: 1 [%]
  • *RST = 50 [%]
Parameters:percentage – is the reference in %
set_repetitions(number: int) → None[source]

Set the number of acquired waveforms with RUN Nx SINGLE. Also defines the number of waveforms used to calculate the average waveform.

  • Range: 1 … 16777215
  • Increment: 10
  • *RST = 1
Parameters:number – is the number of waveforms to acquire
set_trigger_level(channel: int, level: float, event_type: int = 1) → None[source]

Sets the trigger level for the specified event and source.

  • Range: -10 to 10 V
  • Increment: 1e-3 V
  • *RST = 0 V
  • channel

    indicates the trigger source.

    • 1..4 = channel 1 to 4, available for all event types 1..3
    • 5 = external trigger input on the rear panel for analog signals, available for A-event type = 1
    • 6..9 = not available
  • level – is the voltage for the trigger level in [V].
  • event_type – is the event type. 1: A-Event, 2: B-Event, 3: R-Event
set_trigger_mode(mode: Union[str, hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024.TriggerModes]) → None[source]

Sets the trigger mode which determines the behavior of the instrument if no trigger occurs.

Parameters:mode – is either auto, normal, or freerun.
Raises:RTO1024Error – if an invalid triggermode is selected
set_trigger_source(channel: int, event_type: int = 1) → None[source]

Set the trigger (Event A) source channel.

  • channel – is the channel number (1..4)
  • event_type – is the event type. 1: A-Event, 2: B-Event, 3: R-Event
start() → None[source]

Start the RTO1024 oscilloscope and bring it into a defined state and remote mode.

stop() → None[source]

Stop the RTO1024 oscilloscope, reset events and close communication. Brings back the device to a state where local operation is possible.

stop_acquisition() → None[source]

Stop any acquisition.

class hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024Config(waveforms_path: str, settings_path: str, backup_path: str, spoll_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.5, spoll_start_delay: Union[int, float] = 2, command_timeout_seconds: Union[int, float] = 60, wait_sec_short_pause: Union[int, float] = 0.1, wait_sec_enable_history: Union[int, float] = 1, wait_sec_post_acquisition_start: Union[int, float] = 2)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDeviceConfig, hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024._RTO1024ConfigDefaultsBase, hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024._RTO1024ConfigBase

Configdataclass for the RTO1024 device.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
exception hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024Error[source]

Bases: Exception

class hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024VisaCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunication

Specialization of VisaCommunication for the RTO1024 oscilloscope

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
class hvl_ccb.dev.rs_rto1024.RTO1024VisaCommunicationConfig(host: str, interface_type: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig.InterfaceType] = <InterfaceType.TCPIP_INSTR: 2>, board: int = 0, port: int = 5025, timeout: int = 5000, chunk_size: int = 204800, open_timeout: int = 1000, write_termination: str = 'n', read_termination: str = 'n', visa_backend: str = '')[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig

Configuration dataclass for VisaCommunication with specifications for the RTO1024 device class.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
interface_type = 2
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.

hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t module

Device class for controlling a Schneider Electric ILS2T stepper drive over modbus TCP.

class hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2T(com, dev_config=None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

Schneider Electric ILS2T stepper drive class.


The single action value for ILS2T.Mode.JOG

class ActionsPtp[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Allowed actions in the point to point mode (ILS2T.Mode.PTP).

DEFAULT_IO_SCANNING_CONTROL_VALUES = {'action': 2, 'continue_after_stop_cu': 0, 'disable_driver_di': 0, 'enable_driver_en': 0, 'execute_stop_sh': 0, 'fault_reset_fr': 0, 'mode': 3, 'quick_stop_qs': 0, 'ref_16': 1500, 'ref_32': 0, 'reset_stop_ch': 0}

Default IO Scanning control mode values

class Mode[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

ILS2T device modes

JOG = 1
PTP = 3
class Ref16Jog[source]

Bases: enum.Flag

Allowed values for ILS2T ref_16 register (the shown values are the integer representation of the bits), all in Jog mode = 1

FAST = 4
NEG = 2
NONE = 0
POS = 1
class RegAddr[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

ILS2T Modbus Register Adresses

FLT_INFO = 15362
FLT_MEM_DEL = 15112
JOGN_FAST = 10506
JOGN_SLOW = 10504
RAMP_ACC = 1556
RAMP_N_MAX = 1554
RAMP_TYPE = 1574
SCALE = 1550
TEMP = 7200
VOLT = 7198
class RegDatatype(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: aenum.Enum

Modbus Register Datatypes

From the manual of the drive:

datatype byte min max
INT8 1 Byte -128 127
UINT8 1 Byte 0 255
INT16 2 Byte -32_768 32_767
UINT16 2 Byte 0 65_535
INT32 4 Byte -2_147_483_648 2_147_483_647
UINT32 4 Byte 0 4_294_967_295
BITS just 32bits N/A N/A
INT32 = (-2147483648, 2147483647)
is_in_range(value: int) → bool[source]
class State[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

State machine status values

ON = 6
absolute_position(position: int) → None[source]

Turn the motor until it reaches the absolute position. This function does not enable or disable the motor automatically.

Parameters:position – absolute position of motor in user defined steps.
absolute_position_and_wait(position: int) → None[source]

Enable motor, perform absolute position and wait until done, disable.

Parameters:position – absolute position of motor in user defined steps.
static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls()[source]

Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device.

Returns:the type of the standard communication protocol for this device
disable() → None[source]

Disable the driver of the stepper motor and enable the brake.

do_ioscanning_write(**kwargs) → None[source]

Perform a write operation using IO Scanning mode.

Parameters:kwargs – Keyword-argument list with options to send, remaining are taken from the defaults.
enable() → None[source]

Enable the driver of the stepper motor and disable the brake.

get_dc_volt() → float[source]

Read the DC supply voltage of the motor.

Returns:DC input voltage.
get_error_code() → Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Read all messages in fault memory. Will read the full error message and return the decoded values. At the end the fault memory of the motor will be deleted. In addition, reset_error is called to re-enable the motor for operation.

Returns:Dictionary with all information
get_position() → int[source]

Read the position of the drive and store into status.

Returns:Position step value
get_status() → Dict[str, int][source]

Perform an IO Scanning read and return the status of the motor.

Returns:dict with status information.
get_temperature() → int[source]

Read the temperature of the motor.

Returns:Temperature in degrees Celsius.
jog_run(direction: bool = True, fast: bool = False) → None[source]

Slowly turn the motor in positive direction.

jog_stop() → None[source]

Stop turning the motor in Jog mode.

quickstop() → None[source]

Stops the motor with high deceleration rate and falls into error state. Reset with reset_error to recover into normal state.

relative_step(steps: int) → None[source]

Turn the motor the relative amount of steps. This function does not enable or disable the motor automatically. positive numbers -> CW negative numbers -> CCW

Parameters:steps – Number of steps to turn the motor.
relative_step_and_wait(steps: int) → None[source]

Enable motor, perform relative steps and wait until done, disable.

Parameters:steps – Number of steps.
reset_error() → None[source]

Resets the motor into normal state after quick stop or another error occured.

set_jog_speed(slow: int = 60, fast: int = 180) → None[source]

Set the speed for jog mode. Default values correspond to startup values of the motor.

  • slow – RPM for slow jog mode.
  • fast – RPM for fast jog mode.
set_max_acceleration(rpm_minute: int) → None[source]

Set the maximum acceleration of the motor.

Parameters:rpm_minute – revolution per minute per minute
set_max_deceleration(rpm_minute: int) → None[source]

Set the maximum deceleration of the motor.

Parameters:rpm_minute – revolution per minute per minute
set_max_rpm(rpm: int) → None[source]

Set the maximum RPM.

Parameters:rpm – revolution per minute ( 0 < rpm <= RPM_MAX)
Raises:ILS2TException – if RPM is out of range
set_ramp_type(ramp_type: int = -1) → None[source]
Set the ramp type. There are two options available:
0: linear ramp -1: motor optimized ramp
Parameters:ramp_type – 0: linear ramp | -1: motor optimized ramp
start() → None[source]

Start this device.

stop() → None[source]

Stop this device. Disables the motor (applies brake), disables access and closes the communication protocol.

user_steps(steps: int = 16384, revolutions: int = 1) → None[source]

Define steps per revolution. Default is 16384 steps per revolution. Maximum precision is 32768 steps per revolution.

  • steps – number of steps in revolutions.
  • revolutions – number of revolutions corresponding to steps.
class hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TConfig(rpm_max_init: numbers.Integral = 1500, wait_sec_post_enable: Union[float, int] = 1, wait_sec_post_relative_step: Union[float, int] = 2, wait_sec_post_absolute_position: Union[float, int] = 2)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration for the ILS2T stepper motor device.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
rpm_max_init = 1500

initial maximum RPM for the motor, can be set up to 3000 RPM. The user is allowed to set a new max RPM at runtime using ILS2T.set_max_rpm(), but the value must never exceed this configuration setting.

wait_sec_post_absolute_position = 2
wait_sec_post_enable = 1
wait_sec_post_relative_step = 2
exception hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception to indicate problems with the SE ILS2T stepper motor.

class hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TModbusTcpCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp.ModbusTcpCommunication

Specific implementation of Modbus/TCP for the Schneider Electric ILS2T stepper motor.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
class hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TModbusTcpCommunicationConfig(host: str, unit: int = 255, port: int = 502)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp.ModbusTcpCommunicationConfig

Configuration dataclass for Modbus/TCP communciation specific for the Schneider Electric ILS2T stepper motor.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
unit = 255

The unit has to be 255 such that IO scanning mode works.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.IoScanningModeValueError[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TException

Exception to indicate that the selected IO scanning mode is invalid.

exception hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ScalingFactorValueError[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.se_ils2t.ILS2TException

Exception to indicate that a scaling factor value is invalid.

hvl_ccb.dev.visa module

class hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDevice(com: Union[hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunication, hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig, dict], dev_config: Union[hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDeviceConfig, dict, None] = None)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.base.SingleCommDevice

Device communicating over the VISA protocol using VisaCommunication.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
static default_com_cls() → Type[hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunication][source]

Return the default communication protocol for this device type, which is VisaCommunication.

Returns:the VisaCommunication class
get_error_queue() → str[source]

Read out error queue and logs the error.

Returns:Error string
get_identification() → str[source]

Queries “*IDN?” and returns the identification string of the connected device.

Returns:the identification string of the connected device
reset() → None[source]

Send “*RST” and “*CLS” to the device. Typically sets a defined state.


Reads the status byte and decodes it. The status byte STB is defined in IEEE 488.2. It provides a rough overview of the instrument status.

start() → None[source]

Start the VisaDevice. Sets up the status poller and starts it.

stop() → None[source]

Stop the VisaDevice. Stops the polling thread and closes the communication protocol.

wait_operation_complete(timeout: Optional[float] = None) → bool[source]

Waits for a operation complete event. Returns after timeout [s] has expired or the operation complete event has been caught.

Parameters:timeout – Time in seconds to wait for the event; None for no timeout.
Returns:True, if OPC event is caught, False if timeout expired
class hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaDeviceConfig(spoll_interval: Union[int, float] = 0.5, spoll_start_delay: Union[int, float] = 2)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.dev.visa._VisaDeviceConfigDefaultsBase, hvl_ccb.dev.visa._VisaDeviceConfigBase

Configdataclass for a VISA device.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
class hvl_ccb.dev.visa.VisaStatusPoller(target: Callable, interval: float = 0.5, start_delay: float = 5)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

Thread to periodically poll the status byte of a VISA device.

run() → None[source]

Threaded method.

stop() → None[source]

Gracefully stop the poller.

Module contents

Devices subpackage.