hvl_ccb.comm package


hvl_ccb.comm.base module

Module with base classes for communication protocols.

class hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol(config)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.configuration.ConfigurationMixin, abc.ABC

Communication protocol abstract base class.

Specifies the methods to implement for communication protocol, as well as implements some default settings and checks.

access_lock = None

Access lock to use with context manager when accessing the communication protocol (thread safety)


Close the communication protocol


Open communication protocol

hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm module

Communication protocol for LabJack using the LJM Library. Originally developed and tested for LabJack T7-PRO.

Makes use of the LabJack LJM Library Python wrapper. This wrapper needs an installation of the LJM Library for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. Go to: https://labjack.com/support/software/installers/ljm and https://labjack.com/support/software/examples/ljm/python

class hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm.LJMCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol

Communication protocol implementing the LabJack LJM Library Python wrapper.

close() → None[source]

Close the communication port.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class

Flag indicating if the communication port is open.

Returns:True if the port is open, otherwise False
open() → None[source]

Open the communication port.

read_name(*names, return_num_type: Type[numbers.Real] = <class 'float'>) → Union[numbers.Real, Sequence[numbers.Real]][source]

Read one or more input numeric values by name.

  • names – one or more names to read out from the LabJack
  • return_num_type – optional numeric type specification for return values; by default float.

answer of the LabJack, either single number or multiple numbers in a sequence, respectively, when one or multiple names to read were given


TypeError – if read value of type not compatible with return_num_type

write_name(name: str, value: numbers.Real) → None[source]

Write one value to a named output.

  • name – String or with name of LabJack IO
  • value – is the value to write to the named IO port
write_names(name_value_dict: Dict[str, numbers.Real]) → None[source]

Write more than one value at once to named outputs.

Parameters:name_value_dict – is a dictionary with string names of LabJack IO as keys and corresponding numeric values
class hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm.LJMCommunicationConfig(device_type: Union[str, hvl_ccb._dev.labjack.DeviceType] = 'ANY', connection_type: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm.LJMCommunicationConfig.ConnectionType] = 'ANY', identifier: str = 'ANY')[source]

Bases: object

Configuration dataclass for LJMCommunication.

class ConnectionType(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

LabJack connection type.

ANY = 1
TCP = 3
USB = 2
WIFI = 5
class DeviceType(*args, **kwds)

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

LabJack device types.

Can be also looked up by ambigious Product ID (p_id) or by instance name: `python LabJackDeviceType(4) is LabJackDeviceType('T4') `

ANY = 1
T4 = 2
T7 = 3
T7_PRO = 4
get_by_p_id = <bound method DeviceType.get_by_p_id of <aenum 'DeviceType'>>
clean_values() → None[source]

Performs value checks on device_type and connection_type.

connection_type = 'ANY'

Can be either string or of enum ConnectionType.

device_type = 'ANY'

Can be either string ‘ANY’, ‘T7_PRO’, ‘T7’, ‘T4’, or of enum DeviceType.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
identifier = 'ANY'

The identifier specifies information for the connection to be used. This can be an IP address, serial number, or device name. See the LabJack docs ( https://labjack.com/support/software/api/ljm/function-reference/ljmopens/identifier-parameter) for more information.

is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
exception hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm.LJMCommunicationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Errors coming from LJMCommunication.

hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp module

Communication protocol for modbus TCP ports. Makes use of the pymodbus library.

class hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp.ModbusTcpCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol

Implements the Communication Protocol for modbus TCP.


Close the Modbus TCP connection.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
open() → None[source]

Open the Modbus TCP connection.

Raises:ModbusTcpConnectionFailedException – if the connection fails.
read_holding_registers(address: int, count: int) → List[int][source]

Read specified number of register starting with given address and return the values from each register.

  • address – address of the first register
  • count – count of registers to read

list of int values

read_input_registers(address: int, count: int) → List[int][source]

Read specified number of register starting with given address and return the values from each register in a list.

  • address – address of the first register
  • count – count of registers to read

list of int values

write_registers(address: int, values: Union[List[int], int])[source]

Write values from the specified address forward.

  • address – address of the first register
  • values – list with all values
class hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp.ModbusTcpCommunicationConfig(host: str, unit: int, port: int = 502)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration dataclass for ModbusTcpCommunication.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
host = None

Host is the IP address of the connected device.

is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
port = 502

TCP port

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
unit = None

Unit number to be used when connecting with Modbus/TCP. Typically this is used when connecting to a relay having Modbus/RTU-connected devices.

exception hvl_ccb.comm.modbus_tcp.ModbusTcpConnectionFailedException(string='')[source]

Bases: pymodbus.exceptions.ConnectionException

Exception raised when the connection failed.

hvl_ccb.comm.opc module

Communication protocol implementing an OPC UA connection. This protocol is used to interface with the “Supercube” PLC from Siemens.

class hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaCommunication(config)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol

Communication protocol implementing an OPC UA connection. Makes use of the package python-opcua.

close() → None[source]

Close the connection to the OPC UA server.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
init_monitored_nodes(node_id: Union[str, Iterable[str]], ns_index: int) → None[source]

Initialize monitored nodes.

  • node_id – one or more strings of node IDs.
  • ns_index – the namespace index the nodes belong to.

OpcUaCommunicationIOError – when protocol was not opened or can’t communicate with a OPC UA server


Flag indicating if the communication port is open.

Returns:True if the port is open, otherwise False
open() → None[source]

Open the communication to the OPC UA server.

Raises:OpcUaCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened.
read(node_id, ns_index)[source]

Read a value from a node with id and namespace index.

  • node_id – the ID of the node to read the value from
  • ns_index – the namespace index of the node

the value of the node object.


OpcUaCommunicationIOError – when protocol was not opened or can’t communicate with a OPC UA server

write(node_id, ns_index, value) → None[source]

Write a value to a node with name name.

  • node_id – the id of the node to write the value to.
  • ns_index – the namespace index of the node.
  • value – the value to write.

OpcUaCommunicationIOError – when protocol was not opened or can’t communicate with a OPC UA server

class hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaCommunicationConfig(host: str, endpoint_name: str, port: int = 4840, sub_handler: hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaSubHandler = <hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaSubHandler object>, update_period: int = 500)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration dataclass for OPC UA Communciation.


Cleans and enforces configuration values. Does nothing by default, but may be overridden to add custom configuration value checks.

endpoint_name = None

Endpoint of the OPC server, this is a path like ‘OPCUA/SimulationServer’

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
host = None

Hostname or IP-Address of the OPC UA server.

is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
port = 4840

Port of the OPC UA server to connect to.

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
sub_handler = <hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaSubHandler object>

object to use for handling subscriptions.

update_period = 500

Update period for generating datachange events in OPC UA [milli seconds]

exception hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaCommunicationIOError[source]

Bases: OSError

OPC-UA communication I/O error.

class hvl_ccb.comm.opc.OpcUaSubHandler[source]

Bases: object

Base class for subscription handling of OPC events and data change events. Override methods from this class to add own handling capabilities.

To receive events from server for a subscription data_change and event methods are called directly from receiving thread. Do not do expensive, slow or network operation there. Create another thread if you need to do such a thing.

datachange_notification(node, val, data)[source]

hvl_ccb.comm.serial module

Communication protocol for serial ports. Makes use of the pySerial library.

class hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol

Implements the Communication Protocol for serial ports.

ENCODING = 'utf-8'

Close the serial connection.

static config_cls()[source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class

Flag indicating if the serial port is open.

Returns:True if the serial port is open, otherwise False

Open the serial connection.

Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port cannot be opened.
read_bytes(size: int = 1) → bytes[source]

Read the specified number of bytes from the serial port. The input buffer may hold additional data afterwards.

This method uses self.access_lock to ensure thread-safety.

Parameters:size – number of bytes to read
Returns:Bytes read from the serial port; b’‘ if there was nothing to read.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
read_text() → str[source]

Read one line of text from the serial port. The input buffer may hold additional data afterwards, since only one line is read.

This method uses self.access_lock to ensure thread-safety.

Returns:String read from the serial port; ‘’ if there was nothing to read.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
write_bytes(data: bytes) → int[source]

Write bytes to the serial port.

This method uses self.access_lock to ensure thread-safety.

Parameters:data – data to write to the serial port
Returns:number of bytes written
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
write_text(text: str)[source]

Write text to the serial port. The text is encoded and terminated by the configured terminator.

This method uses self.access_lock to ensure thread-safety.

Parameters:text – Text to send to the port.
Raises:SerialCommunicationIOError – when communication port is not opened
class hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.ValueEnum

Serial communication bytesize.

class hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationConfig(port: str, baudrate: int, parity: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity], stopbits: Union[int, float, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits], bytesize: Union[int, hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationBytesize], terminator: bytes = b'rn', timeout: Union[int, float] = 2)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration dataclass for SerialCommunication.


alias of SerialCommunicationBytesize


alias of SerialCommunicationParity


alias of SerialCommunicationStopbits

baudrate = None

Baudrate of the serial port

bytesize = None

Size of a byte, 5 to 8

create_serial_port() → serial.serialposix.Serial[source]

Create a serial port instance according to specification in this configuration

Returns:Closed serial port instance
force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
parity = None

Parity to be used for the connection.

port = None

Port is a string referring to a COM-port (e.g. 'COM3') or a URL. The full list of capabilities is found on the pyserial documentation.

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
stopbits = None

Stopbits setting, can be 1, 1.5 or 2.

terminator = b'\r\n'

The terminator character. Typically this is b'\r\n' or b'\n', but can also be b'\r' or other combinations.

timeout = 2

Timeout in seconds for the serial port

exception hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationIOError[source]

Bases: OSError

Serial communication related I/O errors.

class hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationParity(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.ValueEnum

Serial communication parity.

EVEN = 'E'
MARK = 'M'
NAMES = {'E': 'Even', 'M': 'Mark', 'N': 'None', 'O': 'Odd', 'S': 'Space'}
NONE = 'N'
ODD = 'O'
class hvl_ccb.comm.serial.SerialCommunicationStopbits(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.ValueEnum

Serial communication stopbits.

ONE = 1
TWO = 2

hvl_ccb.comm.visa module

Communication protocol for VISA. Makes use of the pyvisa library. The backend can be NI-Visa or pyvisa-py.

Information on how to install a VISA backend can be found here: https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/master/getting_nivisa.html

So far only TCPIP SOCKET and TCPIP INSTR interfaces are supported.

class hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunication(configuration)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.comm.base.CommunicationProtocol

Implements the Communication Protocol for VISA / SCPI.


The maximum of commands that can be sent in one round is 5 according to the VISA standard.


The character to separate two commands is ; according to the VISA standard.


Small pause in seconds to wait after write operations, allowing devices to really do what we tell them before continuing with further tasks.

close() → None[source]

Close the VISA connection and invalidates the handle.

static config_cls() → Type[hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig][source]

Return the default configdataclass class.

Returns:a reference to the default configdataclass class
open() → None[source]

Open the VISA connection and create the resource.

query(*commands) → Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]][source]

A combination of write(message) and read.

Parameters:commands – list of commands
Returns:list of values
Raises:VisaCommunicationError – when connection was not started, or when trying to issue too many commands at once.
spoll() → int[source]

Execute serial poll on the device. Reads the status byte register STB. This is a fast function that can be executed periodically in a polling fashion.

Returns:integer representation of the status byte
Raises:VisaCommunicationError – when connection was not started
write(*commands) → None[source]

Write commands. No answer is read or expected.

Parameters:commands – one or more commands to send
Raises:VisaCommunicationError – when connection was not started
class hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig(host: str, interface_type: Union[str, hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationConfig.InterfaceType], board: int = 0, port: int = 5025, timeout: int = 5000, chunk_size: int = 204800, open_timeout: int = 1000, write_termination: str = 'n', read_termination: str = 'n', visa_backend: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

VisaCommunication configuration dataclass.

class InterfaceType(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: hvl_ccb.utils.enum.AutoNumberNameEnum

Supported VISA Interface types.


VXI-11 protocol


VISA-RAW protocol

address(host: str, port: int = None, board: int = None) → str[source]

Address string specific to the VISA interface type.

  • host – host IP address
  • port – optional TCP port
  • board – optional board number

address string


Address string depending on the VISA protocol’s configuration.

Returns:address string corresponding to current configuration
board = 0

Board number is typically 0 and comes from old bus systems.

chunk_size = 204800

Chunk size is the allocated memory for read operations. The standard is 20kB, and is increased per default here to 200kB. It is specified in bytes.

force_value(fieldname, value)

Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

NOTE: you can define post_force_value method with same signature as this method to do extra processing after value has been forced on fieldname.

  • fieldname – name of the field
  • value – value to assign
host = None

IP address of the VISA device. DNS names are currently unsupported.

interface_type = None

Interface type of the VISA connection, being one of InterfaceType.

is_configdataclass = True
classmethod keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

Returns:a list of strings containing all keys.
open_timeout = 1000

Timeout for opening the connection, in milli seconds.

classmethod optional_defaults() → Dict[str, object]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all optional keys.
port = 5025

TCP port, standard is 5025.

read_termination = '\n'

Read termination character.

classmethod required_keys() → Sequence[str]

Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned and need to be specified on instantiation.

Returns:a list of strings containing all required keys.
timeout = 5000

Timeout for commands in milli seconds.

visa_backend = ''

Specifies the path to the library to be used with PyVISA as a backend. Defaults to None, which is NI-VISA (if installed), or pyvisa-py (if NI-VISA is not found). To force the use of pyvisa-py, specify @py’ here.

write_termination = '\n'

Write termination character.

exception hvl_ccb.comm.visa.VisaCommunicationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for VisaCommunication errors.

Module contents

Communication protocols subpackage.