Source code for hvl_ccb.configuration

#  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 ETH Zurich, SIS ID and HVL D-ITET
Facilities providing classes for handling configuration for communication protocols
and devices.

import dataclasses
import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Sequence

from .utils.typing import is_generic, check_generic_type

def _has_default_value(f: dataclasses.Field):
    return not isinstance(f.default, dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE)

# Hooks of configdataclass
def _clean_values(self):
    Cleans and enforces configuration values. Does nothing by default, but may be
    overridden to add custom configuration value checks.

_configclass_hooks = {
    'clean_values': _clean_values,

# Methods of configdataclass
def ___post_init__(self):

def _force_value(self, fieldname, value):
    Forces a value to a dataclass field despite the class being frozen.

    NOTE: you can define `post_force_value` method with same signature as this method
    to do extra processing after `value` has been forced on `fieldname`.

    :param fieldname: name of the field
    :param value: value to assign
    object.__setattr__(self, fieldname, value)
    if hasattr(self, 'post_force_value'):
        self.post_force_value(fieldname, value)

@classmethod  # type: ignore
def _keys(cls) -> Sequence[str]:
    Returns a list of all configdataclass fields key-names.

    :return: a list of strings containing all keys.
    return [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)]

@classmethod  # type: ignore
def _required_keys(cls) -> Sequence[str]:
    Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have no default value assigned
    and need to be specified on instantiation.

    :return: a list of strings containing all required keys.
    return [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)
        if not _has_default_value(f)

@classmethod  # type: ignore
def _optional_defaults(cls) -> Dict[str, object]:
    Returns a list of all configdataclass fields, that have a default value assigned
    and may be optionally specified on instantiation.

    :return: a list of strings containing all optional keys.
    return { f.default for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)
        if _has_default_value(f)

def __check_types(self):
    for field in dataclasses.fields(self):
        name =
        value = getattr(self, name)
        type_ = field.type
        if is_generic(type_):
            check_generic_type(value, type_, name=name)
        elif not isinstance(value, type_):
            raise TypeError('Type of field `{}` is `{}` and does not match `{}`.'
                            .format(name, type(value), type_))

_configclass_methods = {
    '__post_init__': ___post_init__,
    'force_value': _force_value,
    'keys': _keys,
    'required_keys': _required_keys,
    'optional_defaults': _optional_defaults,
    '_check_types': __check_types,

[docs]def configdataclass(direct_decoration=None, frozen=True): """ Decorator to make a class a configdataclass. Types in these dataclasses are enforced. Implement a function clean_values(self) to do additional checking on value ranges etc. It is possible to inherit from a configdataclass and re-decorate it with @configdataclass. In a subclass, default values can be added to existing fields. Note: adding additional non-default fields is prone to errors, since the order has to be respected through the whole chain (first non-default fields, only then default-fields). :param frozen: defaults to True. False allows to later change configuration values. Attention: if configdataclass is not frozen and a value is changed, typing is not enforced anymore! """ def decorator(cls): for name, method in _configclass_methods.items(): if name in cls.__dict__: raise AttributeError( 'configdataclass {!r} cannot define {!r} method'.format( cls.__name__, name, ) ) setattr(cls, name, method) for name, hook in _configclass_hooks.items(): if not hasattr(cls, name): setattr(cls, name, hook) if not hasattr(cls, 'is_configdataclass'): setattr(cls, 'is_configdataclass', True) return dataclasses.dataclass(cls, frozen=frozen) if direct_decoration: return decorator(direct_decoration) return decorator
[docs]class ConfigurationMixin(ABC): """ Mixin providing configuration to a class. """ # omitting type hint of `configuration` on purpose, because type hinting # configdataclass is not possible. Union[Dict[str, object], object] resolves to # object. def __init__(self, configuration) -> None: """ Constructor for the configuration mixin. :param configuration: is the configuration provided either as: * a dict with string keys and values, then the default config dataclass will be used * a configdataclass object * None, then the config_cls() with no parameters is instantiated """ if not configuration: configuration = {} if hasattr(configuration, 'is_configdataclass'): self._configuration = configuration elif isinstance(configuration, Dict): default_configdataclass = self.config_cls() if not hasattr(default_configdataclass, 'is_configdataclass'): raise TypeError('Default configdataclass is not a configdataclass. Is' 'the decorator `@configdataclass` applied?') self._configuration = default_configdataclass(**configuration) else: raise TypeError('configuration is not a dictionary or configdataclass.')
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def config_cls(): """ Return the default configdataclass class. :return: a reference to the default configdataclass class """ pass # pragma: no cover
@property def config(self): """ ConfigDataclass property. :return: the configuration """ return self._configuration
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename: str): """ Instantiate communication protocol using configuration from a JSON file. :param filename: Path and filename to the JSON configuration """ configuration = cls._configuration_load_json(filename) return cls(configuration)
[docs] def configuration_save_json(self, path: str) -> None: """ Save current configuration as JSON file. :param path: path to the JSON file. """ self._configuration_save_json(dataclasses.asdict(self._configuration), path)
@staticmethod def _configuration_load_json(path: str) -> Dict[str, object]: """ Load configuration from JSON file and return Dict. This method is only used during construction, if not directly a configuration is given but rather a path to a JSON config file. :param path: Path to the JSON configuration file. :return: Dictionary containing the parameters read from the JSON file. """ with open(path, 'r') as fp: return json.load(fp) @staticmethod def _configuration_save_json(configuration: Dict[str, object], path: str) -> None: """ Store a configuration dict to a JSON file. :param configuration: configuration dictionary :param path: path to the JSON file. """ with open(path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(configuration, fp, indent=4)