Source code for

#  Copyright (c) ETH Zurich, SIS ID and HVL D-ITET
Device class for a SST Luminox Oxygen sensor. This device can measure the oxygen
concentration between 0 % and 25 %.

Furthermore, it measures the barometric pressure and internal temperature.
The device supports two operating modes: in streaming mode the device measures all
parameters every second, in polling mode the device measures only after a query.

Technical specification and documentation for the device can be found a the
manufacturer's page:

import logging
import re
from enum import Enum
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional, Union, cast

from hvl_ccb.comm.serial import (
from hvl_ccb.configuration import configdataclass
from import DeviceError, SingleCommDevice
from hvl_ccb.utils.enum import ValueEnum
from hvl_ccb.utils.typing import Number

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LuminoxError(DeviceError): """ General Error for Luminox Device. """ pass
[docs] class LuminoxOutputModeError(LuminoxError): """ Wrong output mode for requested data """ pass
[docs] class LuminoxOutputMode(Enum): """ output mode. """ streaming = 0 polling = 1
[docs] class LuminoxMeasurementTypeError(LuminoxError): """ Wrong measurement type for requested data """ pass
LuminoxMeasurementTypeValue = Union[float, int, str] """A typing hint for all possible LuminoxMeasurementType values as read in either streaming mode or in a polling mode with `LuminoxMeasurementType.all_measurements`. Beware: has to be manually kept in sync with `LuminoxMeasurementType` instances `cast_type` attribute values. """ LuminoxMeasurementTypeDict = dict[ Union[str, "LuminoxMeasurementType"], LuminoxMeasurementTypeValue ] """A typing hint for a dictionary holding LuminoxMeasurementType values. Keys are allowed as strings because `LuminoxMeasurementType` is of a `StrEnumBase` type. """
[docs] class LuminoxMeasurementType(ValueEnum, init="value cast_type value_re"): # type:ignore """ Measurement types for `LuminoxOutputMode.polling`. The `all_measurements` type will read values for the actual measurement types as given in `LuminoxOutputMode.all_measurements_types()`; it parses multiple single values using regexp's for other measurement types, therefore, no regexp is defined for this measurement type. """ partial_pressure_o2 = "O", float, r"[0-9]{4}.[0-9]" percent_o2 = "%", float, r"[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{2}" temperature_sensor = "T", float, r"[+-][0-9]{2}.[0-9]" barometric_pressure = "P", int, r"[0-9]{4}" sensor_status = "e", int, r"[0-9]{4}" date_of_manufacture = "# 0", str, r"[0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}" serial_number = "# 1", str, r"[0-9]{5} [0-9]{5}" software_revision = "# 2", str, r"[0-9]{5}" all_measurements = "A", str, None
[docs] @classmethod def all_measurements_types(cls) -> tuple["LuminoxMeasurementType", ...]: """ A tuple of `LuminoxMeasurementType` enum instances which are actual measurements, i.e. not date of manufacture or software revision. """ return cast( tuple["LuminoxMeasurementType", ...], ( cls.partial_pressure_o2, cls.temperature_sensor, cls.barometric_pressure, cls.percent_o2, cls.sensor_status, ), )
@property def command(self) -> str: return self.value.split(" ")[0]
[docs] def parse_read_measurement_value( self, read_txt: str ) -> Union[LuminoxMeasurementTypeDict, LuminoxMeasurementTypeValue]: if self is LuminoxMeasurementType.all_measurements: return { measurement: measurement._parse_single_measurement_value(read_txt) for measurement in LuminoxMeasurementType.all_measurements_types() } return self._parse_single_measurement_value(read_txt)
def _parse_single_measurement_value( self, read_txt: str ) -> LuminoxMeasurementTypeValue: parsed_data: list[str] = re.findall(f"{self.command} {self.value_re}", read_txt) if len(parsed_data) != 1: self._parse_error(parsed_data) parsed_measurement: str = parsed_data[0] try: parsed_value = self.cast_type( # don't check for empty match - we know already that there is one, parsed_measurement).group() # type: ignore ) except ValueError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) self._parse_error(parsed_data) return parsed_value def _parse_error(self, parsed_data: list[str]) -> None: err_msg = ( f"Expected measurement value for {'_', ' ')} of type " f'{self.cast_type}; instead tyring to parse: "{parsed_data}"' ) logger.error(err_msg) raise LuminoxMeasurementTypeError(err_msg)
[docs] @configdataclass class LuminoxSerialCommunicationConfig(SerialCommunicationConfig): #: Baudrate for SST Luminox is 9600 baud baudrate: int = 9600 #: SST Luminox does not use parity parity: Union[str, SerialCommunicationParity] = SerialCommunicationParity.NONE #: SST Luminox does use one stop bit stopbits: Union[int, SerialCommunicationStopbits] = SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE #: One byte is eight bits long bytesize: Union[int, SerialCommunicationBytesize] = ( SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS ) #: The terminator is CR LF terminator: bytes = b"\r\n" #: use 3 seconds timeout as default timeout: Number = 3
[docs] class LuminoxSerialCommunication(SerialCommunication): """ Specific communication protocol implementation for the SST Luminox oxygen sensor. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config. """
[docs] @staticmethod def config_cls(): return LuminoxSerialCommunicationConfig
[docs] @configdataclass class LuminoxConfig: """ Configuration for the SST Luminox oxygen sensor. """ # wait between set and validation of output mode wait_sec_post_activate: Number = 0.5 wait_sec_trials_activate: Number = 0.1 nr_trials_activate: int = 5
[docs] def clean_values(self): if self.wait_sec_post_activate <= 0: raise ValueError( "Wait time (sec) post output mode activation must be a positive number." ) if self.wait_sec_trials_activate <= 0: raise ValueError( "Re-try wait time (sec) for mode activation must be a positive number." ) if self.nr_trials_activate <= 0: raise ValueError( "Trials for mode activation must be a positive integer >=1)." )
[docs] class Luminox(SingleCommDevice): """ Luminox oxygen sensor device class. """ def __init__(self, com, dev_config=None) -> None: # Call superclass constructor super().__init__(com, dev_config) self.output: Optional[LuminoxOutputMode] = None
[docs] @staticmethod def config_cls(): return LuminoxConfig
[docs] @staticmethod def default_com_cls(): return LuminoxSerialCommunication
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Start this device. Opens the communication protocol. """"Starting device {self}") super().start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the device. Closes also the communication protocol. """"Stopping device {self}") super().stop()
def _write(self, value: str) -> None: """ Write given `value` string to ``. :param value: String value to send. :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened """ def _read(self) -> str: """ Read a string value from ``. :return: Read text from the serial port, without the trailing terminator, as defined in the communcation protocol configuration. :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened """ return
[docs] def activate_output(self, mode: LuminoxOutputMode) -> None: """ activate the selected output mode of the Luminox Sensor. :param mode: polling or streaming """ with self._write(f"M {mode.value}") # needs a little bit of time ot activate sleep(self.config.wait_sec_post_activate) for trial in range(self.config.nr_trials_activate + 1): msg = self._read() if ( not msg == f"M 0{mode.value}" and trial == self.config.nr_trials_activate ): err_msg = ( "Stream mode activation was not possible " f"after {self.config.nr_trials_activate} trials {self}" ) logger.error(err_msg) raise LuminoxOutputModeError(err_msg) if msg == f"M 0{mode.value}": msg = ( "Stream mode activation possible " f"in trial {trial} out of {self.config.nr_trials_activate}" ) break sleep(self.config.wait_sec_trials_activate) self.output = mode"{} mode activated {self}")
[docs] def read_streaming(self) -> LuminoxMeasurementTypeDict: """ Read values of Luminox in the streaming mode. Convert the single string into separate values. :return: dictionary with `LuminoxMeasurementType.all_measurements_types()` keys and accordingly type-parsed values. :raises LuminoxOutputModeError: when streaming mode is not activated :raises LuminoxMeasurementTypeError: when any of expected measurement values is not read """ if not self.output == LuminoxOutputMode.streaming: err_msg = f"Streaming mode not activated {self}" logger.error(err_msg) raise LuminoxOutputModeError(err_msg) read_txt = self._read() return cast( LuminoxMeasurementTypeDict, cast( LuminoxMeasurementType, LuminoxMeasurementType.all_measurements ).parse_read_measurement_value(read_txt), )
[docs] def query_polling( self, measurement: Union[str, LuminoxMeasurementType], ) -> Union[LuminoxMeasurementTypeDict, LuminoxMeasurementTypeValue]: """ Query a value or values of Luminox measurements in the polling mode, according to a given measurement type. :param measurement: type of measurement :return: value of requested measurement :raises ValueError: when a wrong key for LuminoxMeasurementType is provided :raises LuminoxOutputModeError: when polling mode is not activated :raises LuminoxMeasurementTypeError: when expected measurement value is not read """ if not isinstance(measurement, LuminoxMeasurementType): try: measurement = cast( LuminoxMeasurementType, LuminoxMeasurementType[measurement], # type: ignore ) except KeyError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) measurement = cast( LuminoxMeasurementType, LuminoxMeasurementType(measurement), ) if not self.output == LuminoxOutputMode.polling: err_msg = f"Polling mode not activated {self}" logger.error(err_msg) raise LuminoxOutputModeError(err_msg) with self._write(str(measurement)) read_txt = self._read() read_value = measurement.parse_read_measurement_value(read_txt) return read_value