Source code for

#  Copyright (c) ETH Zurich, SIS ID and HVL D-ITET
Device class for Pfeiffer TPG controllers.

The Pfeiffer TPG control units are used to control Pfeiffer Compact Gauges.
Models: TPG 251 A, TPG 252 A, TPG 256A, TPG 261, TPG 262, TPG 361, TPG 362 and TPG 366.

Manufacturer homepage:

import logging
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from typing import Union, cast

from hvl_ccb.comm.serial import (
from hvl_ccb.configuration import configdataclass
from import DeviceError, SingleCommDevice
from hvl_ccb.utils.enum import NameEnum
from hvl_ccb.utils.typing import Number

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PfeifferTPGError(DeviceError): """ Error with the Pfeiffer TPG Controller. """ pass
[docs] @configdataclass class PfeifferTPGSerialCommunicationConfig(SerialCommunicationConfig): #: Baudrate for Pfeiffer TPG controllers is 9600 baud baudrate: int = 9600 #: Pfeiffer TPG controllers do not use parity parity: Union[str, SerialCommunicationParity] = SerialCommunicationParity.NONE #: Pfeiffer TPG controllers use one stop bit stopbits: Union[int, SerialCommunicationStopbits] = SerialCommunicationStopbits.ONE #: One byte is eight bits long bytesize: Union[int, SerialCommunicationBytesize] = ( SerialCommunicationBytesize.EIGHTBITS ) #: The terminator is <CR><LF> terminator: bytes = b"\r\n" #: use 3 seconds timeout as default timeout: Number = 3
[docs] class PfeifferTPGSerialCommunication(SerialCommunication): """ Specific communication protocol implementation for Pfeiffer TPG controllers. Already predefines device-specific protocol parameters in config. """ def __init__(self, configuration): super().__init__(configuration)
[docs] @staticmethod def config_cls(): return PfeifferTPGSerialCommunicationConfig
[docs] def send_command(self, cmd: str) -> None: """ Send a command to the device and check for acknowledgement. :param cmd: command to send to the device :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if the answer from the device differs from the expected acknowledgement character 'chr(6)'. """ with self.access_lock: # send the command self.write_text(cmd) # check for acknowledgment char (ASCII 6) answer = self.read_text() if len(answer) == 0 or ord(answer[0]) != 6: message = f"Pfeiffer TPG not acknowledging command {cmd}" logger.error(message) if len(answer) > 0: logger.debug(f"Pfeiffer TPG: {answer}") raise PfeifferTPGError(message)
[docs] def query(self, cmd: str) -> str: """ Send a query, then read and returns the first line from the com port. :param cmd: query message to send to the device :return: first line read on the com :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if the device does not acknowledge the command or if the answer from the device is empty """ with self.access_lock: # send the command self.write_text(cmd) # check for acknowledgment char (ASCII 6) answer = self.read_text() if len(answer) == 0 or ord(answer[0]) != 6: message = f"Pfeiffer TPG not acknowledging command {cmd}" logger.error(message) if len(answer) > 0: logger.debug(f"Pfeiffer TPG: {answer}") raise PfeifferTPGError(message) # send enquiry self.write_text(chr(5)) # read answer answer = self.read_text().strip() if len(answer) == 0: message = f"Pfeiffer TPG not answering to command {cmd}" logger.error(message) raise PfeifferTPGError(message) return answer
[docs] @configdataclass class PfeifferTPGConfig: """ Device configuration dataclass for Pfeiffer TPG controllers. """
[docs] class Model(NameEnum, init="full_scale_ranges"): # type:ignore TPG25xA = { 1: 0, 10: 1, 100: 2, 1000: 3, 2000: 4, 5000: 5, 10000: 6, 50000: 7, 0.1: 8, } TPGx6x = { 0.01: 0, 0.1: 1, 1: 2, 10: 3, 100: 4, 1000: 5, 2000: 6, 5000: 7, 10000: 8, 50000: 9, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.full_scale_ranges_reversed: dict[int, int] = { v: k for k, v in self.full_scale_ranges.items() }
[docs] def is_valid_scale_range_reversed_str(self, v: str) -> bool: """ Check if given string represents a valid reversed scale range of a model. :param v: Reversed scale range string. :return: `True` if valid, `False` otherwise. """ # Explicit check because otherwise we get `True` for instance for `float` if not isinstance(v, str): raise TypeError(f"Expected `str`, got `{type(v)}` instead.") try: return int(v) in self.full_scale_ranges_reversed except ValueError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) return False
# model of the TPG (determines which lookup table to use for the # full scale range) model: Union[str, Model] = Model.TPG25xA # type: ignore
[docs] def clean_values(self): if not isinstance(self.model, self.Model): self.force_value("model", self.Model(self.model))
[docs] class PfeifferTPG(SingleCommDevice): """ Pfeiffer TPG control unit device class """ SensorTypes = Enum( # type: ignore value="SensorTypes", names=[ ("TPR/PCR Pirani Gauge", 1), ("TPR", 1), ("TPR/PCR", 1), ("IKR Cold Cathode Gauge", 2), ("IKR", 2), ("IKR9", 2), ("IKR11", 2), ("PKR Full range CC", 3), ("PKR", 3), ("APR/CMR Linear Gauge", 4), ("CMR", 4), ("APR/CMR", 4), ("CMR/APR", 4), ("Pirani / High Pressure Gauge", 5), ("IMR", 5), ("Fullrange BA Gauge", 6), ("PBR", 6), ("None", 7), ("no Sensor", 7), ("noSen", 7), ("noSENSOR", 7), ], )
[docs] class SensorStatus(IntEnum): Ok = 0 Underrange = 1 Overrange = 2 Sensor_error = 3 Sensor_off = 4 No_sensor = 5 Identification_error = 6
def __init__(self, com, dev_config=None) -> None: # Call superclass constructor super().__init__(com, dev_config) # list of sensors connected to the TPG self.sensors: list[str] = [] def __repr__(self): return f"Pfeiffer TPG with {self.number_of_sensors} sensors: {self.sensors}" @property def number_of_sensors(self): return len(self.sensors) @property def unit(self): """ The pressure unit of readings is always mbar, regardless of the display unit. """ return "mbar"
[docs] @staticmethod def default_com_cls(): return PfeifferTPGSerialCommunication
[docs] @staticmethod def config_cls(): return PfeifferTPGConfig
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Start this device. Opens the communication protocol, and identify the sensors. :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port cannot be opened """"Starting Pfeiffer TPG") super().start() # identify the sensors connected to the TPG # and also find out the number of channels self.identify_sensors()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the device. Closes also the communication protocol. """"Stopping device {self}") super().stop()
[docs] def identify_sensors(self) -> None: """ Send identification request TID to sensors on all channels. :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ try: answer ="TID") except PfeifferTPGError as e: logger.error("Pressure sensor identification failed.", exc_info=e) raise # try matching the sensors: sensors = [] for s in answer.split(","): try: sensors.append(self.SensorTypes[s].name) except KeyError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) sensors.append("Unknown") self.sensors = sensors # identification successful:"Identified {self}")
[docs] def measure(self, channel: int) -> tuple[str, float]: """ Get the status and measurement of one sensor :param channel: int channel on which the sensor is connected, with 1 <= channel <= number_of_sensors :return: measured value as float if measurement successful, sensor status as string if not :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ if not 1 <= channel <= self.number_of_sensors: message = ( f"{channel} is not a valid channel number, it should be between " f"1 and {self.number_of_sensors}" ) logger.error(message) raise ValueError(message) try: answer ="PR{channel}") except PfeifferTPGError as e: logger.error(f"Reading sensor {channel} failed.", exc_info=e) raise status, measurement = answer.split(",") s = self.SensorStatus(int(status)) if s == self.SensorStatus.Ok: f"Channel {channel} successful reading of pressure: {measurement} mbar." ) else: f"Channel {channel} no reading of pressure, sensor status is " f"{self.SensorStatus(s).name}." ) return, float(measurement)
[docs] def measure_all(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]: """ Get the status and measurement of all sensors (this command is not available on all models) :return: list of measured values as float if measurements successful, and or sensor status as strings if not :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ try: answer ="PRX") except PfeifferTPGError as e: logger.error( "Getting pressure reading from all sensors failed " "(this command is not available on all TGP models).", exc_info=e, ) raise ans = answer.split(",") ret = [ (self.SensorStatus(int(ans[2 * i])).name, float(ans[2 * i + 1])) for i in range(self.number_of_sensors) ]"Reading all sensors with result: {ret}.") return ret
def _set_full_scale(self, fsr: list[Number], unitless: bool) -> None: """ Set the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual. :param fsr: list of full scale range values, like `[0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]` for `unitless = True` scale or `[0.01, 1000]` otherwise (mbar units scale) :param unitless: flag to indicate scale of range values; if `False` then mbar units scale :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ if len(fsr) != self.number_of_sensors: raise ValueError( f"Argument fsr should be of length {self.number_of_sensors}. " f"Received length {len(fsr)}." ) possible_values_map = ( self.config.model.full_scale_ranges_reversed if unitless else self.config.model.full_scale_ranges ) wrong_values = [v for v in fsr if v not in possible_values_map] if wrong_values: raise ValueError( f"Argument fsr contains invalid values: {wrong_values}. Accepted " f"values are {list(possible_values_map.items())}" f"{'' if unitless else ' mbar'}." ) str_fsr = ",".join( [str(f if unitless else possible_values_map[f]) for f in fsr] ) try:"FSR,{str_fsr}")"Set sensors full scale to {fsr} (unitless) respectively.") except PfeifferTPGError as e: logger.error("Setting sensors full scale failed.", exc_info=e) raise e def _get_full_scale(self, unitless: bool) -> list[Number]: """ Get the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual. :param unitless: flag to indicate scale of range values; if `False` then mbar units scale :return: list of full scale range values, like `[0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]` for `unitless = True` scale or `[0.01, 1000]` otherwise (mbar units scale) :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ try: answer ="FSR") except PfeifferTPGError as e: logger.error("Query full scale range of all sensors failed.", exc_info=e) raise answer_values = answer.split(",") wrong_values = [ v for v in answer_values if not self.config.model.is_valid_scale_range_reversed_str(v) ] if wrong_values: raise PfeifferTPGError( "The controller returned the full unitless scale range values: " f"{answer}. The values {wrong_values} are invalid. Accepted values are " f"{list(self.config.model.full_scale_ranges_reversed.keys())}." ) fsr = [ int(v) if unitless else self.config.model.full_scale_ranges_reversed[int(v)] for v in answer_values ] f"Obtained full scale range of all sensors as {fsr}" f"{'' if unitless else ' mbar'}." ) return fsr
[docs] def set_full_scale_unitless(self, fsr: list[int]) -> None: """ Set the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual. :param fsr: list of full scale range values, like `[0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]` :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ self._set_full_scale(cast(list[Number], fsr), True)
[docs] def get_full_scale_unitless(self) -> list[int]: """ Get the full scale range of the attached sensors. See lookup table between command and corresponding pressure in the device user manual. :return: list of full scale range values, like `[0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0]` :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ return cast(list[int], self._get_full_scale(True))
[docs] def set_full_scale_mbar(self, fsr: list[Number]) -> None: """ Set the full scale range of the attached sensors (in unit mbar) :param fsr: full scale range values in mbar, for example `[0.01, 1000]` :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ self._set_full_scale(fsr, False)
[docs] def get_full_scale_mbar(self) -> list[Number]: """ Get the full scale range of the attached sensors :return: full scale range values in mbar, like `[0.01, 1, 0.1, 1000, 50000, 10]` :raises SerialCommunicationIOError: when communication port is not opened :raises PfeifferTPGError: if command fails """ return self._get_full_scale(False)