Source code for

#  Copyright (c) ETH Zurich, SIS ID and HVL D-ITET
A LabJack T-series devices wrapper around the LabJack's LJM Library; see .
The wrapper was originally developed and tested for a LabJack T7-PRO device.

Extra installation

To use this LabJack T-series devices wrapper:

1. install the :code:`hvl_ccb` package with a :code:`labjack` extra feature::

        $ pip install "hvl_ccb[labjack]"

   this will install the Python bindings for the library.

2. install the library - follow instruction in .

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from import Sequence
from numbers import Real
from typing import Optional, Union, cast

from aenum import Enum, IntEnum

from hvl_ccb._dev import labjack
from hvl_ccb.comm.labjack_ljm import LJMCommunication
from import SingleCommDevice
from import DeviceError
from hvl_ccb.utils.enum import NameEnum, StrEnumBase
from hvl_ccb.utils.typing import Number
from hvl_ccb.utils.validation import validate_bool, validate_number

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LabJackError(DeviceError): """ General Error for the LabJack device. """ pass
[docs] class LabJackIdentifierDIOError(LabJackError): """ Error indicating a wrong DIO identifier """ pass
[docs] class LabJack(SingleCommDevice): """ LabJack Device. This class is tested with a LabJack T7-Pro and should also work with T4 and T7 devices communicating through the LJM Library. Other or older hardware versions and variants of LabJack devices are not supported. """ DeviceType = labjack.DeviceType """ LabJack device types. """ def __init__(self, com, dev_config=None) -> None: """ Constructor for a LabJack Device. :param com: Communication protocol object of type LJMCommunication. If a configuration (dict or configdataclass) is given, a new communication protocol object will be instantiated. :param dev_config: There is no device configuration for LabJack yet. """ super().__init__(com, dev_config) # cached device type self._device_type: Optional[labjack.DeviceType] = None # clock configuration for pulse out feature self.configured_pulse_addresses: list[Union[str, labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel]] = ( [] )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_com_cls(): return LJMCommunication
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Start the Device. """"Starting device {str(self)}") super().start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the Device. """"Stopping device {str(self)}") super().stop()
def _read_float(self, *names: str) -> Union[float, Sequence[float]]: """ Read a numeric value. :param name: name to read via communication protocol :return: read numeric value """ return*names, return_num_type=float) def _read_int(self, *names: str) -> Union[int, Sequence[int]]: """ Read an integer value. :param name: name to read via communication protocol :return: read integer value """ return*names, return_num_type=int)
[docs] def get_serial_number(self) -> int: """ Returns the serial number of the connected LabJack. :return: Serial number. """ return cast(int, self._read_int("SERIAL_NUMBER"))
[docs] def get_sbus_temp(self, number: int) -> float: """ Read the temperature value from a serial SBUS sensor. :param number: port number (0..22) :return: temperature in Kelvin """ return cast(float, self._read_float(f"SBUS{number}_TEMP"))
[docs] def get_sbus_rh(self, number: int) -> float: """ Read the relative humidity value from a serial SBUS sensor. :param number: port number (0..22) :return: relative humidity in %RH """ return cast(float, self._read_float(f"SBUS{number}_RH"))
[docs] class AInRange(StrEnumBase, init="value_str"): # type:ignore TEN = "10" ONE = "1" ONE_TENTH = "0.1" ONE_HUNDREDTH = "0.01" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value_str @property def value(self) -> float: return float(self.value_str)
[docs] def get_ain(self, *channels: int) -> Union[float, Sequence[float]]: """ Read currently measured value (voltage, resistance, ...) from one or more of analog inputs. :param channels: AIN number or numbers (0..254) :return: the read value (voltage, resistance, ...) as `float`or `tuple` of them in case multiple channels given """ ch_str = [f"AIN{ch}" for ch in channels] return self._read_float(*ch_str)
[docs] def set_analog_output(self, channel: int, value: Number) -> None: """ Set the voltage of a analog output port :param channel: DAC channel number 1/0 :param value: The output voltage value 0-5 Volts int/float """ validate_number("DAC channel number", channel, (0, 1), int, logger) validate_number("DAC output voltage", value, (0.0, 5.0), logger=logger)"DAC{channel}", value)
[docs] def set_ain_range(self, channel: int, vrange: Union[Real, AInRange]) -> None: """ Set the range of an analog input port. :param channel: is the AIN number (0..254) :param vrange: is the voltage range to be set """ vrange = self.AInRange(str(vrange))"AIN{channel}_RANGE", vrange.value)
[docs] def set_ain_resolution(self, channel: int, resolution: int) -> None: """ Set the resolution index of an analog input port. :param channel: is the AIN number (0..254) :param resolution: is the resolution index within 0...`get_product_type().ain_max_resolution` range; 0 will set the resolution index to default value. """ ain_max_resolution = self.get_product_type().ain_max_resolution # type: ignore if resolution not in range(ain_max_resolution + 1): raise LabJackError(f"Not supported resolution index: {resolution}")"AIN{channel}_RESOLUTION_INDEX", resolution)
[docs] def set_ain_differential(self, pos_channel: int, differential: bool) -> None: """ Sets an analog input to differential mode or not. T7-specific: For base differential channels, positive must be even channel from 0-12 and negative must be positive+1. For extended channels 16-127, see Mux80 datasheet. :param pos_channel: is the AIN number (0..12) :param differential: True or False :raises LabJackError: if parameters are unsupported """ if pos_channel not in range(13): raise LabJackError(f"Not supported pos_channel: {pos_channel}") if pos_channel % 2 != 0: raise LabJackError( "AIN pos_channel for positive part of differential pair" f" must be even: {pos_channel}" ) neg_channel = pos_channel + 1 f"AIN{pos_channel}_NEGATIVE_CH", neg_channel if differential else 199 )
[docs] class ThermocoupleType(NameEnum, init="ef_index"): # type:ignore """ Thermocouple type; NONE means disable thermocouple mode. """ NONE = 0 E = 20 J = 21 K = 22 R = 23 T = 24 S = 25 C = 30 PT100 = 40 PT500 = 41 PT1000 = 42
[docs] class CjcType(NameEnum, init="slope offset"): # type:ignore """ CJC slope and offset """ internal = 1, 0 lm34 = 55.56, 255.37
[docs] class TemperatureUnit(NameEnum, init="ef_config_a"): # type:ignore """ Temperature unit (to be returned) """ K = 0 C = 1 F = 2
[docs] def set_ain_thermocouple( self, pos_channel: int, thermocouple: Union[None, str, ThermocoupleType], cjc_address: int = 60050, cjc_type: Union[str, CjcType] = (CjcType.internal), # type: ignore vrange: Union[Real, AInRange] = (AInRange.ONE_HUNDREDTH), # type: ignore resolution: int = 10, unit: Union[str, TemperatureUnit] = (TemperatureUnit.K), # type: ignore ) -> None: """ Set the analog input channel to thermocouple mode. :param pos_channel: is the analog input channel of the positive part of the differential pair :param thermocouple: None to disable thermocouple mode, or string specifying the thermocouple type :param cjc_address: modbus register address to read the CJC temperature :param cjc_type: determines cjc slope and offset, 'internal' or 'lm34' :param vrange: measurement voltage range :param resolution: resolution index (T7-Pro: 0-12) :param unit: is the temperature unit to be returned ('K', 'C' or 'F') :raises LabJackError: if parameters are unsupported """ if thermocouple is None: thermocouple = self.ThermocoupleType.NONE # type: ignore thermocouple = self.ThermocoupleType(thermocouple) # validate separately from `set_ain_range` to fail before any write happens # (in `set_ain_differential` first) vrange = self.AInRange(str(vrange)) unit = self.TemperatureUnit(unit) cjc_type = self.CjcType(cjc_type) self.set_ain_differential(pos_channel=pos_channel, differential=True) self.set_ain_range(pos_channel, vrange) self.set_ain_resolution(pos_channel, resolution) self.set_ain_range(pos_channel + 1, vrange) self.set_ain_resolution(pos_channel + 1, resolution) # specify thermocouple mode"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_INDEX", thermocouple.ef_index) # specify the units for AIN#_EF_READ_A and AIN#_EF_READ_C (0 = K, 1 = C, 2 = F)"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_CONFIG_A", unit.ef_config_a) # specify modbus address for cold junction reading CJC"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_CONFIG_B", cjc_address) # set slope for the CJC reading, typically 1"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_CONFIG_D", cjc_type.slope) # set the offset for the CJC reading, typically 0"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_CONFIG_E", cjc_type.offset)
[docs] def read_thermocouple(self, pos_channel: int) -> float: """ Read the temperature of a connected thermocouple. :param pos_channel: is the AIN number of the positive pin :return: temperature in specified unit """ return round(cast(float, self._read_float(f"AIN{pos_channel}_EF_READ_A")), 2)
[docs] class DIOStatus(IntEnum): """ State of a digital I/O channel. """ LOW = 0 HIGH = 1
[docs] def set_digital_output(self, address: str, state: Union[int, DIOStatus]) -> None: """ Set the value of a digital output. :param address: name of the output -> `'FIO0'` :param state: state of the output -> `DIOStatus` instance or corresponding `int` value """ dt = self.get_product_type() if address not in (dt.dio): # type: ignore raise LabJackIdentifierDIOError state = self.DIOStatus(state), state)
DIOChannel = labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel
[docs] def get_digital_input( self, address: Union[str, labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel] ) -> LabJack.DIOStatus: """ Get the value of a digital input. allowed names for T7 (Pro): FIO0 - FIO7, EIO0 - EIO 7, CIO0- CIO3, MIO0 - MIO2 :param address: name of the output -> 'FIO0' :return: HIGH when `address` DIO is high, and LOW when `address` DIO is low """ if not isinstance(address, self.DIOChannel): address = self.DIOChannel(address) dt = self.get_product_type() if address not in (dt.dio): # type: ignore dt_name = # type: ignore raise LabJackIdentifierDIOError( f"DIO {} is not available for this device type: {dt_name}." ) try: ret = self._read_int( return self.DIOStatus(ret) except ValueError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) raise LabJackIdentifierDIOError(f"Expected 0 or 1 return value, got {ret}.")
[docs] class CalMicroAmpere(Enum, init="value current_source_query"): # type: ignore """ Pre-defined microampere (uA) values for calibration current source query. """ TEN = "10uA", "CURRENT_SOURCE_10UA_CAL_VALUE" TWO_HUNDRED = "200uA", "CURRENT_SOURCE_200UA_CAL_VALUE"
[docs] def get_cal_current_source(self, name: Union[str, CalMicroAmpere]) -> float: """ This function will return the calibration of the chosen current source, this ist not a measurement! The value was stored during fabrication. :param name: '200uA' or '10uA' current source :return: calibration of the chosen current source in ampere """ if not isinstance(name, self.CalMicroAmpere): name = self.CalMicroAmpere(name) return cast(float, self._read_float(name.current_source_query))
[docs] def get_product_id(self) -> int: """ This function returns the product ID reported by the connected device. Attention: returns `7` for both T7 and T7-Pro devices! :return: integer product ID of the device """ return cast(int, self._read_int("PRODUCT_ID"))
[docs] def get_product_type(self, force_query_id: bool = False) -> labjack.DeviceType: """ This function will return the device type based on reported device type and in case of unambiguity based on configuration of device's communication protocol (e.g. for "T7" and "T7_PRO" devices), or, if not available first matching. :param force_query_id: boolean flag to force `get_product_id` query to device instead of using cached device type from previous queries. :return: `DeviceType` instance :raises LabJackIdentifierDIOError: when read Product ID is unknown """ if force_query_id or not self._device_type: try: device_type_or_list = self.DeviceType.get_by_p_id(self.get_product_id()) except ValueError as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=e) raise LabJackIdentifierDIOError from e if isinstance(device_type_or_list, self.DeviceType): device_type = device_type_or_list else: # isinstance(device_type_or_list, list): device_type_list: list[labjack.DeviceType] = device_type_or_list # can be None in case a non-default com or its config was used conf_device_type = getattr(, "device_type", None) if conf_device_type: if conf_device_type not in device_type_list: raise LabJackIdentifierDIOError( f"Configured devices type {conf_device_type!s} does not " "match any of the unambiguously reported device types: " f"{','.join(str(dt) for dt in device_type_list)}." ) device_type = conf_device_type else: device_type = device_type_list[0] self._device_type = device_type return self._device_type
[docs] def get_product_name(self, force_query_id=False) -> str: """ This function will return the product name based on product ID reported by the device. Attention: returns "T7" for both T7 and T7-Pro devices! :param force_query_id: boolean flag to force `get_product_id` query to device instead of using cached device type from previous queries. :return: device name string, compatible with `LabJack.DeviceType` """ return self.get_product_type(force_query_id=force_query_id).name
[docs] def set_ain_resistance( self, channel: int, vrange: Union[Real, AInRange], resolution: int ) -> None: """ Set the specified channel to resistance mode. It utilized the 200uA current source of the LabJack. :param channel: channel that should measure the resistance :param vrange: voltage range of the channel :param resolution: resolution index of the channel T4: 0-5, T7: 0-8, T7-Pro 0-12 """ self.set_ain_range(channel, vrange) self.set_ain_resolution(channel, resolution) # resistance mode"AIN{channel}_EF_INDEX", 4) # excitation with 200uA current source"AIN{channel}_EF_CONFIG_B", 0)
[docs] def read_resistance(self, channel: int) -> float: """ Read resistance from specified channel. :param channel: channel with resistor :return: resistance value with 2 decimal places """ return round(cast(float, self._read_float(f"AIN{channel}_EF_READ_A")), 2)
[docs] class ClockFrequency(IntEnum): """ Available clock frequencies, in Hz """ MAXIMUM = 80_000_000 FORTY_MHZ = 40_000_000 TWENTY_MHZ = 20_000_000 TEN_MHZ = 10_000_000 FIVE_MHZ = 5_000_000 TWENTY_FIVE_HUNDRED_KHZ = 2_500_000 TWELVE_HUNDRED_FIFTY_KHZ = 1_250_000 MINIMUM = 312_500
[docs] class BitLimit(IntEnum): """ Maximum integer values for clock settings """ THIRTY_TWO_BIT = 2**32 - 1
@property def _clock_config(self) -> dict[str, int]: clock_config = { "divisor":"DIO_EF_CLOCK0_DIVISOR"), "roll_value":"DIO_EF_CLOCK0_ROLL_VALUE"), } # adjust zeroes to corresponding real values for frequency/period conversion: if clock_config["divisor"] == 0: clock_config["divisor"] = 1 if clock_config["roll_value"] == 0: clock_config["roll_value"] = self.BitLimit.THIRTY_TWO_BIT return clock_config @_clock_config.setter def _clock_config(self, clock_config: dict[str, int]):"DIO_EF_CLOCK0_DIVISOR", clock_config["divisor"])"DIO_EF_CLOCK0_ROLL_VALUE", clock_config["roll_value"])
[docs] def enable_clock(self, clock_enabled: bool) -> None: """ Enable/disable LabJack clock to configure or send pulses. :param clock_enabled: True -> enable, False -> disable. :raises TypeError: if clock_enabled is not of type bool """ validate_bool("clock enabled", clock_enabled, logger=logger)"DIO_EF_CLOCK0_ENABLE", int(clock_enabled))
[docs] def get_clock(self) -> dict[str, Number]: """ Return clock settings read from LabJack. """ divisor, roll_value = self._clock_config.values() clock_frequency = self.ClockFrequency.MAXIMUM / divisor clock_period = roll_value / clock_frequency clock_settings = { "clock_frequency": clock_frequency, "clock_period": clock_period, } return clock_settings
[docs] def set_clock( self, clock_frequency: Union[Number, ClockFrequency] = 10_000_000, clock_period: Number = 1, ) -> None: """ Configure LabJack clock for pulse out feature. :param clock_frequency: clock frequency in Hz; default 10 MHz for base 10. :raises ValueError: if clock_frequency is not allowed (see ClockFrequency). :param clock_period: clock roll time in seconds; default 1s, 0 for max. :raises ValueError: if clock_period exceeds the 32bit tick limit. Clock period determines pulse spacing when using multi-pulse settings. Ensure period exceeds maximum intended pulse end time. """ validate_number( "clock frequency", clock_frequency, limits=(self.ClockFrequency.MINIMUM, self.ClockFrequency.MAXIMUM), logger=logger, ) clock_frequency = self.ClockFrequency(clock_frequency) divisor = int(self.ClockFrequency.MAXIMUM / clock_frequency) validate_number( "clock period", clock_period, limits=(0, self.BitLimit.THIRTY_TWO_BIT / clock_frequency), logger=logger, ) clock_period_ticks = int(clock_period * clock_frequency) self.enable_clock(False) self._clock_config = {"divisor": divisor, "roll_value": clock_period_ticks} # adjust zero input to real period for logging. if clock_period == 0: clock_period = self.BitLimit.THIRTY_TWO_BIT / clock_frequency"Clock frequency is set to {clock_frequency:_} Hz")"Clock period is set to {clock_period} s")
[docs] def config_high_pulse( self, address: Union[str, labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel], t_start: Number, t_width: Number, n_pulses: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Configures one FIO channel to send a timed HIGH pulse. Configure multiple channels to send pulses with relative timing accuracy. Times have a maximum resolution of 1e-7 seconds @ 10 MHz. :param address: FIO channel: [T7] FIO0;2;3;4;5. [T4] FIO6;7. :raises LabJackError if address is not supported. :param t_start: pulse start time in seconds. :raises ValueError: if t_start is negative or would exceed the clock period. :param t_width: duration of high pulse, in seconds. :raises ValueError: if t_width is negative or would exceed the clock period. :param n_pulses: number of pulses to be sent; single pulse default. :raises TypeError if n_pulses is not of type int. :raises Value Error if n_pulses is negative or exceeds the 32bit limit. """ if not isinstance(address, self.DIOChannel): address = self.DIOChannel(address) device_type = self.get_product_type() if address not in device_type.pulse_out_addr: msg = f"{address} does not support pulse feature" logging.error(msg) raise LabJackError(msg) clock_settings = self.get_clock() clock_frequency = clock_settings["clock_frequency"] clock_period = clock_settings["clock_period"] validate_number("pulse start", t_start, limits=(0, clock_period), logger=logger) validate_number( "pulse width", t_width, limits=(0, clock_period - t_start), logger=logger ) validate_number( "n pulses", n_pulses, limits=(0, self.BitLimit.THIRTY_TWO_BIT), number_type=int, logger=logger, ) start_tick = int(t_start * clock_frequency) + 1 end_tick = int((t_start + t_width) * clock_frequency) + 1 addr = address.address self.enable_clock(False){ f"DIO{addr}": 0, f"DIO{addr}_EF_ENABLE": 0, f"DIO{addr}_EF_OPTIONS": 0, f"DIO{addr}_EF_INDEX": 2, f"DIO{addr}_EF_CONFIG_B": start_tick, f"DIO{addr}_EF_CONFIG_A": end_tick, f"DIO{addr}_EF_CONFIG_C": n_pulses, }) if address not in self.configured_pulse_addresses: self.configured_pulse_addresses.append(address)"Pulse configured for {address}")
[docs] def send_pulses(self, *addresses: Union[str, labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel]) -> None: """ Sends pre-configured pulses for specified addresses. :param addresses: tuple of FIO addresses :raises LabJackError if an address has not been configured. """ address_list = [] for address in addresses: if not isinstance(address, self.DIOChannel): address = self.DIOChannel(address) if address not in self.configured_pulse_addresses: msg = f"No pulse configured for {address}" logging.error(msg) raise LabJackError(msg) address_list.append(address.address) self.enable_clock(False) for addr in address_list:"DIO{addr}_EF_ENABLE", 1) self.enable_clock(True)"Pulses sent on {addresses}")
[docs] def disable_pulses( self, *addresses: Optional[Union[str, labjack.TSeriesDIOChannel]] ) -> None: """ Disable previously configured pulse channels. :param addresses: tuple of FIO addresses. All channels disabled if no argument is passed. """ self.enable_clock(False) if len(addresses) == 0: addresses = tuple(self.configured_pulse_addresses) for address in addresses: if not isinstance(address, self.DIOChannel): address = self.DIOChannel(address) if address not in self.configured_pulse_addresses: logging.warning(f"No pulse configured for {address}") continue"DIO{address.address}_EF_ENABLE", 0) self.configured_pulse_addresses.remove("Pulse disabled for {address}")