Source code for

#  Copyright (c) ETH Zurich, SIS ID and HVL D-ITET
Module with base classes for devices.

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union

from hvl_ccb.comm import CommunicationProtocol
from hvl_ccb.configuration import ConfigurationMixin, configdataclass
from hvl_ccb.error import CCBError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DeviceError(CCBError): pass
[docs] class DeviceExistingError(DeviceError): """ Error to indicate that a device with that name already exists. """ pass
[docs] class DeviceFailuresError(DeviceError): """ Error to indicate that one or several devices failed. """ def __init__(self, failures: dict[str, Exception], *args): super().__init__(failures) self.failures: dict[str, Exception] = failures """A dictionary of named devices failures (exceptions). """
[docs] @configdataclass class EmptyConfig: """ Empty configuration dataclass that is the default configuration for a Device. """ pass
[docs] class Device(ConfigurationMixin, ABC): """ Base class for devices. Implement this class for a concrete device, such as measurement equipment or voltage sources. Specifies the methods to implement for a device. """ def __init__(self, dev_config=None): """ Constructor for Device. """ super().__init__(dev_config)
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self) -> None: """ Start or restart this Device. To be implemented in the subclass. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop this Device. To be implemented in the subclass. """
def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop()
[docs] @staticmethod def config_cls(): return EmptyConfig
[docs] class DeviceSequenceMixin(ABC): """ Mixin that can be used on a device or other classes to provide facilities for handling multiple devices in a sequence. """ def __init__(self, devices: dict[str, Device]): """ Constructor for the DeviceSequenceMixin. :param devices: is a dictionary of devices to be added to this sequence. """ super().__init__() self._devices: dict[str, Device] = {} for name, device in devices.items(): self.add_device(name, device) self.devices_failed_start: dict[str, Device] = dict() """Dictionary of named device instances from the sequence for which the most recent `start()` attempt failed. Empty if `stop()` was called last; cf. `devices_failed_stop`.""" self.devices_failed_stop: dict[str, Device] = dict() """Dictionary of named device instances from the sequence for which the most recent `stop()` attempt failed. Empty if `start()` was called last; cf. `devices_failed_start`.""" def __getattribute__(self, item: str) -> Union[Device, object]: """ Gets Device from the sequence or object's attribute. :param item: Item name to get :return: Device or object's attribute. """ if item != "_devices" and item in self._devices: return self.get_device(item) return super().__getattribute__(item) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, DeviceSequenceMixin) and self._devices == other._devices )
[docs] def get_devices(self) -> list[tuple[str, Device]]: """ Get list of name, device pairs according to current sequence. :return: A list of tuples with name and device each. """ return list(self._devices.items())
[docs] def get_device(self, name: str) -> Device: """ Get a device by name. :param name: is the name of the device. :return: the device object from this sequence. """ return self._devices.get(name) # type: ignore
[docs] def add_device(self, name: str, device: Device) -> None: """ Add a new device to the device sequence. :param name: is the name of the device. :param device: is the instantiated Device object. :raise DeviceExistingError: """ if name in self._devices: raise DeviceExistingError # disallow over-shadowing via ".DEVICE_NAME" lookup if hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError( "This sequence already has an attribute called" f" {name}. Use different name for this device." ) self._devices[name] = device
[docs] def remove_device(self, name: str) -> Device: """ Remove a device from this sequence and return the device object. :param name: is the name of the device. :return: device object or `None` if such device was not in the sequence. :raises ValueError: when device with given name was not found """ if name not in self._devices: raise ValueError(f'No device named "{name}" in this sequence.') if name in self.devices_failed_start: self.devices_failed_start.pop(name) elif name in self.devices_failed_stop: self.devices_failed_stop.pop(name) return self._devices.pop(name)
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Start all devices in this sequence in their added order. :raises DeviceFailuresError: if one or several devices failed to start """ # reset the failure dicts failures = dict() self.devices_failed_start = dict() self.devices_failed_stop = dict() for name, device in self._devices.items(): try: device.start() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Could not start {name}: ", exc_info=e) failures[name] = e self.devices_failed_start[name] = device if failures: raise DeviceFailuresError(failures)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop all devices in this sequence in their reverse order. :raises DeviceFailuresError: if one or several devices failed to stop """ # reset the failure dicts failures: dict[str, Exception] = dict() self.devices_failed_start = dict() self.devices_failed_stop = dict() for name, device in self._devices.items(): try: device.stop() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Could not start {name}: ", exc_info=e) failures[name] = e self.devices_failed_stop[name] = device if failures: raise DeviceFailuresError(failures)
[docs] class SingleCommDevice(Device, ABC): """ Base class for devices with a single communication protocol. """ # Omitting typing hint `com: CommunicationProtocol` on purpose # to enable PyCharm autocompletion for subtypes. def __init__(self, com, dev_config=None) -> None: """ Constructor for Device. Links the communication protocol and provides a configuration for the device. :param com: Communication protocol to be used with this device. Can be of type: - CommunicationProtocol instance, - dictionary with keys and values to be used as configuration together with the default communication protocol, or - @configdataclass to be used together with the default communication protocol. :param dev_config: configuration of the device. Can be: - None: empty configuration is used, or the specified config_cls() - @configdataclass decorated class - Dictionary, which is then used to instantiate the specified config_cls() """ super().__init__(dev_config) if isinstance(com, CommunicationProtocol): self._com = com else: self._com = self.default_com_cls()(com)
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def default_com_cls() -> type[CommunicationProtocol]: """ Get the class for the default communication protocol used with this device. :return: the type of the standard communication protocol for this device """
@property def com(self): """ Get the communication protocol of this device. :return: an instance of CommunicationProtocol subtype """ return self._com
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Open the associated communication protocol. """
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Close the associated communication protocol. """