Source code for asyncua.sync

sync API of asyncua
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
import functools
import sys
from cryptography import x509
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread, Condition
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, Optional, overload

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Literal
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from asyncua import ua
from asyncua import client
from asyncua import server
from asyncua import common
from asyncua.common import node, subscription, shortcuts, xmlexporter, type_dictionary_builder
from import Event

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ThreadLoopNotRunning(Exception):

class ThreadLoop(Thread):
    def __init__(self, timeout: Optional[float] = 120) -> None:
        self.loop = None
        self._cond = Condition()
        self.timeout = timeout

    def start(self):
        with self._cond:

    def run(self):
        self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        _logger.debug("Threadloop: %s", self.loop)

    def _notify_start(self):
        with self._cond:

    def stop(self):

    def post(self, coro):
        if not self.loop or not self.loop.is_running() or not self.is_alive():
            raise ThreadLoopNotRunning(f"could not post {coro} since asyncio loop in thread has not been started or has been stopped")
        futur = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, loop=self.loop)
        return futur.result(self.timeout)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_t, exc_v, trace):

def _to_async(args, kwargs):
    args = list(args)  # FIXME: might be very inefficient...
    for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
        if isinstance(arg, (SyncNode, Client, Server)):
            args[idx] = arg.aio_obj
        elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            args[idx] = _to_async(arg, {})[0]
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(v, SyncNode):
            kwargs[k] = v.aio_obj
    return args, kwargs

def _to_sync(tloop, result):
    if isinstance(result, node.Node):
        return SyncNode(tloop, result)
    if isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
        return [_to_sync(tloop, item) for item in result]
    if isinstance(result, server.event_generator.EventGenerator):
        return EventGenerator(tloop, result)
    if isinstance(result, subscription.Subscription):
        return Subscription(tloop, result)
    if isinstance(result, server.Server):
        return Server(tloop, result)
    return result

def syncmethod(func):
    decorator for sync methods
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        args, kwargs = _to_async(args, kwargs)
        aio_func = getattr(self.aio_obj, func.__name__)
        result =*args, **kwargs))
        return _to_sync(self.tloop, result)

    return wrapper

def sync_wrapper(aio_func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not args:
            raise RuntimeError("first argument of function must a ThreadLoop object")
        if isinstance(args[0], ThreadLoop):
            tloop = args[0]
            args = list(args)[1:]
        elif hasattr(args[0], "tloop"):
            tloop = args[0].tloop
            raise RuntimeError("first argument of function must a ThreadLoop object")
        args, kwargs = _to_async(args, kwargs)
        result =*args, **kwargs))
        return _to_sync(tloop, result)

    return wrapper

def syncfunc(aio_func):
    decorator for sync function
    def decorator(func, *args, **kwargs):
        return sync_wrapper(aio_func)

    return decorator

def sync_uaclient_method(aio_func):

    from asyncua.client.ua_client import UaClient
    from asyncua.sync import Client

    with Client('otp.tcp://localhost') as client:
        read_attributes = sync_uaclient_method(UaClient.read_attributes)(client)
        results = read_attributes(...)
    def sync_method(client: 'Client'):
        uaclient = client.aio_obj.uaclient
        return functools.partial(sync_wrapper(aio_func), client.tloop, uaclient)

    return sync_method

def sync_async_client_method(aio_func):

    from asyncua.client import Client as AsyncClient
    from asyncua.sync import Client

    with Client('otp.tcp://localhost') as client:
        read_attributes = sync_async_client_method(AsyncClient.read_attributes)(client)
        results = read_attributes(...)
    def sync_method(client: 'Client'):
        return functools.partial(sync_wrapper(aio_func), client.tloop, client)

    return sync_method

def call_method_full(parent, methodid, *args):

def data_type_to_variant_type(dtype_node):

def copy_node(parent, node, nodeid=None, recursive=True):

def instantiate(parent, node_type, nodeid=None, bname=None, dname=None, idx=0, instantiate_optional=True):

class _SubHandler:
    def __init__(self, tloop, sync_handler):
        self.tloop = tloop
        self.sync_handler = sync_handler

    def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data):
        self.sync_handler.datachange_notification(SyncNode(self.tloop, node), val, data)

    def event_notification(self, event):

    def status_change_notification(self, status: ua.StatusChangeNotification):

class Client:
    Sync Client, see doc for async Client
    the sync client has one extra parameter: sync_wrapper_timeout.
    if no ThreadLoop is provided this timeout is used to define how long the sync wrapper
    waits for an async call to return. defualt is 120s and hopefully should fit most applications

    def __init__(self, url: str, timeout: int = 4, tloop=None, sync_wrapper_timeout: Optional[float] = 120,) -> None:
        self.tloop = tloop
        self.close_tloop = False
        if not self.tloop:
            self.tloop = ThreadLoop(sync_wrapper_timeout)
            self.close_tloop = True
        self.aio_obj = client.Client(url, timeout)
        self.nodes = Shortcuts(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.uaclient)

    def __str__(self):
        return "Sync" + self.aio_obj.__str__()

    __repr__ = __str__

    def application_uri(self):
        return self.aio_obj.application_uri

    def application_uri(self, value):
        self.aio_obj.application_uri = value

    def connect(self) -> None:

    def disconnect(self) -> None:
            if self.close_tloop:

    def connect_sessionless(self) -> None:

    def disconnect_sessionless(self) -> None:
            if self.close_tloop:

    def connect_socket(self) -> None:

    def disconnect_socket(self) -> None:
            if self.close_tloop:

    def set_user(self, username: str) -> None:

    def set_password(self, pwd: str) -> None:

    def set_locale(self, locale: Sequence[str]) -> None:

    def load_private_key(self, path: str, password: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, extension: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

    def load_client_certificate(self, path: str, extension: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

    def load_type_definitions(self, nodes=None):

    def load_data_type_definitions(self, node: Optional[SyncNode] = None, overwrite_existing: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Type]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def get_namespace_array(self) -> List[str]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def set_security(self) -> None:

    def set_security_string(self, string: str) -> None:

    def load_enums(self) -> Dict[str, Type]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def create_subscription(self, period: Union[ua.CreateSubscriptionParameters, float], handler: subscription.SubHandler, publishing: bool = True) -> "Subscription":
        coro = self.aio_obj.create_subscription(period, _SubHandler(self.tloop, handler), publishing)
        aio_sub =
        return Subscription(self.tloop, aio_sub)

    def get_subscription_revised_params(self, params: ua.CreateSubscriptionParameters, results: ua.CreateSubscriptionResult) -> Optional[ua.ModifySubscriptionParameters]:  # type: ignore
        return self.aio_obj.get_subscription_revised_params(params, results)

    def delete_subscriptions(self, subscription_ids: Iterable[int]) -> List[ua.StatusCode]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def get_namespace_index(self, uri: str) -> int:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def get_node(self, nodeid: Union[SyncNode, ua.NodeId, str, int]) -> SyncNode:
        aio_nodeid = nodeid.aio_obj if isinstance(nodeid, SyncNode) else nodeid
        return SyncNode(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.get_node(aio_nodeid))

    def get_root_node(self) -> SyncNode:
        return SyncNode(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.get_root_node())

    def get_objects_node(self) -> SyncNode:
        return SyncNode(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.get_objects_node())

    def get_server_node(self) -> SyncNode:
        return SyncNode(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.get_server_node())

    def connect_and_get_server_endpoints(self) -> List[ua.EndpointDescription]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def connect_and_find_servers(self) -> List[ua.ApplicationDescription]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

    def connect_and_find_servers_on_network(self) -> List[ua.FindServersOnNetworkResult]:  # type: ignore[empty-body]

[docs] @syncmethod def send_hello(self) -> None: pass
@syncmethod def open_secure_channel(self, renew=False) -> None: pass @syncmethod def close_secure_channel(self) -> None: pass @syncmethod def get_endpoints(self) -> List[ua.EndpointDescription]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def register_server( self, server: "Server", discovery_configuration: Optional[ua.DiscoveryConfiguration] = None, ) -> None: pass @syncmethod def unregister_server( self, server: "Server", discovery_configuration: Optional[ua.DiscoveryConfiguration] = None, ) -> None: pass @syncmethod def find_servers(self, uris: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> List[ua.ApplicationDescription]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def find_servers_on_network(self) -> List[ua.FindServersOnNetworkResult]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def create_session(self) -> ua.CreateSessionResult: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def check_connection(self) -> None: pass def server_policy_id(self, token_type: ua.UserTokenType, default: str) -> str: return self.aio_obj.server_policy_id(token_type, default) def server_policy_uri(self, token_type: ua.UserTokenType) -> str: return self.aio_obj.server_policy_uri(token_type) @syncmethod def activate_session( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, certificate: Optional[x509.Certificate] = None, ) -> ua.ActivateSessionResult: pass @syncmethod def close_session(self) -> None: pass def get_keepalive_count(self, period: float) -> int: return self.aio_obj.get_keepalive_count(period) @syncmethod def delete_nodes(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode], recursive=False) -> Tuple[List[SyncNode], List[ua.StatusCode]]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def import_xml(self, path=None, xmlstring=None, strict_mode=True) -> List[ua.NodeId]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def export_xml(self, nodes, path, export_values: bool = False) -> None: pass @syncmethod def register_namespace(self, uri: str) -> int: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def register_nodes(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode]) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def unregister_nodes(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode]): # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_attributes(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode], attr: ua.AttributeIds = ua.AttributeIds.Value) -> List[ua.DataValue]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_values(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode]) -> List[Any]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def write_values(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode], values: Iterable[Any], raise_on_partial_error: bool = True) -> List[ua.StatusCode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def browse_nodes(self, nodes: Iterable[SyncNode]) -> List[Tuple[SyncNode, ua.BrowseResult]]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def translate_browsepaths( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, starting_node: ua.NodeId, relative_paths: Iterable[Union[ua.RelativePath, str]] ) -> List[ua.BrowsePathResult]: pass def __enter__(self): try: self.connect() except Exception as ex: self.disconnect() raise ex return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.disconnect() class Shortcuts: root: SyncNode objects: SyncNode server: SyncNode base_object_type: SyncNode base_data_type: SyncNode base_event_type: SyncNode base_variable_type: SyncNode folder_type: SyncNode enum_data_type: SyncNode option_set_type: SyncNode types: SyncNode data_types: SyncNode event_types: SyncNode reference_types: SyncNode variable_types: SyncNode object_types: SyncNode namespace_array: SyncNode namespaces: SyncNode opc_binary: SyncNode base_structure_type: SyncNode base_union_type: SyncNode server_state: SyncNode service_level: SyncNode HasComponent: SyncNode HasProperty: SyncNode Organizes: SyncNode HasEncoding: SyncNode def __init__(self, tloop, aio_server): self.tloop = tloop self.aio_obj = shortcuts.Shortcuts(aio_server) for k, v in self.aio_obj.__dict__.items(): setattr(self, k, SyncNode(self.tloop, v)) class Server: """ Sync Server, see doc for async Server the sync server has one extra parameter: sync_wrapper_timeout. if no ThreadLoop is provided this timeout is used to define how long the sync wrapper waits for an async call to return. defualt is 120s and hopefully should fit most applications """ def __init__(self, shelf_file: Optional[Path] = None, tloop=None, sync_wrapper_timeout: Optional[float] = 120,): self.tloop = tloop self.close_tloop = False if not self.tloop: self.tloop = ThreadLoop(timeout=sync_wrapper_timeout) self.tloop.start() self.close_tloop = True self.aio_obj = server.Server() self.nodes = Shortcuts(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.iserver.isession) def __str__(self): return "Sync" + self.aio_obj.__str__() __repr__ = __str__ def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.stop() @syncmethod def load_certificate(self, path: str, format: str = None): pass @syncmethod def load_private_key(self, path, password=None, format=None): pass def set_endpoint(self, url): return self.aio_obj.set_endpoint(url) def set_server_name(self, name): return self.aio_obj.set_server_name(name) def set_security_policy(self, security_policy, permission_ruleset=None): return self.aio_obj.set_security_policy(security_policy, permission_ruleset) def set_security_IDs(self, policy_ids): return self.aio_obj.set_security_IDs(policy_ids) def disable_clock(self, val: bool = True): return self.aio_obj.disable_clock(val) @syncmethod def register_namespace(self, url): pass @syncmethod def get_namespace_array(self): pass @syncmethod def start(self): pass def stop(self): if self.close_tloop: self.tloop.stop() def link_method(self, node, callback): return self.aio_obj.link_method(node, callback) @syncmethod def get_event_generator(self, etype=None, emitting_node=ua.ObjectIds.Server): pass def get_node(self, nodeid): return SyncNode(self.tloop, self.aio_obj.get_node(nodeid)) @syncmethod def import_xml(self, path=None, xmlstring=None, strict_mode=True): pass @syncmethod def get_namespace_index(self, url): pass @syncmethod def load_enums(self): pass @syncmethod def load_type_definitions(self): pass @syncmethod def load_data_type_definitions(self, node=None): pass @syncmethod def write_attribute_value(self, nodeid, datavalue, attr=ua.AttributeIds.Value): pass def set_attribute_value_callback( self, nodeid: ua.NodeId, callback: Callable[[ua.NodeId, ua.AttributeIds], ua.DataValue], attr=ua.AttributeIds.Value ) -> None: self.aio_obj.set_attribute_value_callback(nodeid, callback, attr) def create_subscription(self, period, handler): coro = self.aio_obj.create_subscription(period, _SubHandler(self.tloop, handler)) aio_sub = return Subscription(self.tloop, aio_sub) class EventGenerator: def __init__(self, tloop, aio_evgen): self.aio_obj = aio_evgen self.tloop = tloop @property def event(self): return self.aio_obj.event def trigger(self, time=None, message=None): return, message)) def new_node(sync_node, nodeid): """ given a sync node, create a new SyncNode with the given nodeid """ return SyncNode(sync_node.tloop, node.Node(sync_node.aio_obj.session, nodeid)) class SyncNode: def __init__(self, tloop: ThreadLoop, aio_node: node.Node): self.aio_obj = aio_node self.tloop = tloop def __eq__(self, other): return other is not None and self.aio_obj == other.aio_obj def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return self.aio_obj.__str__() def __repr__(self): return "Sync" + self.aio_obj.__repr__() def __hash__(self): return self.aio_obj.__hash__() def __get_nodeid(self): return self.aio_obj.nodeid def __set_nodeid(self, value): self.aio_obj.nodeid = value nodeid: ua.NodeId = property(__get_nodeid, __set_nodeid) @syncmethod def read_type_definition(self) -> Optional[ua.NodeId]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_parent(self) -> Optional[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_node_class(self) -> ua.NodeClass: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_attribute( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, attr: ua.AttributeIds, indexrange: Optional[str] = None, raise_on_bad_status: bool = True, ) -> ua.DataValue: pass @syncmethod def write_attribute( self, attributeid: ua.AttributeIds, datavalue: ua.DataValue, indexrange: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: pass @syncmethod def read_browse_name(self) -> ua.QualifiedName: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_display_name(self) -> ua.LocalizedText: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_data_type(self) -> ua.NodeId: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_array_dimensions(self) -> int: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_value_rank(self) -> int: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def delete(self, delete_references: bool = True, recursive: bool = False) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_children( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, refs: int = ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, nodeclassmask: ua.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, ) -> List[SyncNode]: pass @syncmethod def get_properties(self) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_children_descriptions( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, refs: int = ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, nodeclassmask: ua.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes: bool = True, result_mask: ua.BrowseResultMask = ua.BrowseResultMask.All, ) -> List[ua.ReferenceDescription]: pass @syncmethod def get_user_access_level(self) -> Set[ua.AccessLevel]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @overload def get_child( self, path: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str, Iterable[Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]]], return_all: Literal[False] = False, ) -> SyncNode: ... @overload def get_child( self, path: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str, Iterable[Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]]], return_all: Literal[True] = True, ) -> List[SyncNode]: ... @syncmethod def get_child( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, path: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str, Iterable[Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]]], return_all: bool = False, ) -> Union[SyncNode, List[SyncNode]]: pass @syncmethod def get_children_by_path( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, paths: Iterable[Union[ua.QualifiedName, str, Iterable[Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]]]], raise_on_partial_error: bool = True ) -> List[List[Optional[SyncNode]]]: pass @syncmethod def read_raw_history( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, starttime: Optional[datetime] = None, endtime: Optional[datetime] = None, numvalues: int = 0, return_bounds: bool = True, ) -> List[ua.DataValue]: pass @syncmethod def history_read( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, details: ua.ReadRawModifiedDetails, continuation_point: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> ua.HistoryReadResult: pass @syncmethod def read_event_history( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, starttime: datetime = None, endtime: datetime = None, numvalues: int = 0, evtypes: Union[SyncNode, ua.NodeId, str, int, Iterable[Union[SyncNode, ua.NodeId, str, int]]] = ua.ObjectIds.BaseEventType, ) -> List[Event]: pass @syncmethod def history_read_events(self, details: Iterable[ua.ReadEventDetails]) -> ua.HistoryReadResult: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def set_modelling_rule(self, mandatory: bool) -> None: pass @syncmethod def add_variable( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], val: Any, varianttype: Optional[ua.VariantType] = None, datatype: Optional[Union[ua.NodeId, int]] = None, ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def add_property( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], val: Any, varianttype: Optional[ua.VariantType] = None, datatype: Optional[Union[ua.NodeId, int]] = None, ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def add_object( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], objecttype: Optional[int] = None, instantiate_optional: bool = True, ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def add_object_type(self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]) -> SyncNode: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def add_variable_type( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], datatype: Union[ua.NodeId, int] ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def add_folder(self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str]) -> SyncNode: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def add_method(self, *args) -> SyncNode: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def add_data_type( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], description: Optional[str] = None ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def set_writable(self, writable: bool = True) -> None: pass @syncmethod def write_value(self, value: Any, varianttype: Optional[ua.VariantType] = None) -> None: pass set_value = write_value # legacy @syncmethod def write_params(self, params: ua.WriteParameters) -> List[ua.StatusCode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_params(self, params: ua.ReadParameters) -> List[ua.DataValue]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_value(self) -> Any: pass get_value = read_value # legacy @syncmethod def read_data_value(self, raise_on_bad_status: bool = True) -> ua.DataValue: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass get_data_value = read_data_value # legacy @syncmethod def read_data_type_as_variant_type(self) -> ua.VariantType: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass get_data_type_as_variant_type = read_data_type_as_variant_type # legacy @syncmethod def call_method(self, methodid: Union[ua.NodeId, ua.QualifiedName, str], *args) -> Any: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_references( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, refs: int = ua.ObjectIds.References, direction: ua.BrowseDirection = ua.BrowseDirection.Both, nodeclassmask: ua.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes: bool = True, result_mask: ua.BrowseResultMask = ua.BrowseResultMask.All, ) -> List[ua.ReferenceDescription]: pass @syncmethod def add_reference( self, target: Union[SyncNode, ua.NodeId, str, int], reftype: int, forward: bool = True, bidirectional: bool = True ) -> None: pass @syncmethod def read_description(self) -> ua.LocalizedText: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_variables(self) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @overload def get_path(self, max_length: int = 20, as_string: Literal[False] = False) -> List[SyncNode]: ... @overload def get_path(self, max_length: int = 20, as_string: Literal[True] = True) -> List["str"]: ... @syncmethod def get_path(self, max_length: int = 20, as_string: bool = False) -> Union[List[SyncNode], List[str]]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_attributes(self, attrs: Iterable[ua.AttributeIds]) -> List[ua.DataValue]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def add_reference_type( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, nodeid: Union[ua.NodeId, str], bname: Union[ua.QualifiedName, str], symmetric: bool = True, inversename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncmethod def delete_reference( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, target: Union[SyncNode, ua.NodeId, str, int], reftype: int, forward: bool = True, bidirectional: bool = True, ) -> None: pass @syncmethod def get_access_level(self) -> Set[ua.AccessLevel]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_description_refs(self) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_encoding_refs(self) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_methods(self) -> List[SyncNode]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def get_referenced_nodes( # type: ignore[empty-body] self, refs: int = ua.ObjectIds.References, direction: ua.BrowseDirection = ua.BrowseDirection.Both, nodeclassmask: ua.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes: bool = True, ) -> List[SyncNode]: pass @syncmethod def read_data_type_definition(self) -> ua.DataTypeDefinition: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def read_event_notifier(self) -> Set[ua.EventNotifier]: # type: ignore[empty-body] pass @syncmethod def register(self) -> None: pass @syncmethod def set_attr_bit(self, attr: ua.AttributeIds, bit: int) -> None: pass @syncmethod def set_event_notifier(self, values) -> None: pass @syncmethod def unregister(self) -> None: pass @syncmethod def unset_attr_bit(self, attr: ua.AttributeIds, bit: int) -> None: pass @syncmethod def write_array_dimensions(self, value: int) -> None: pass @syncmethod def write_data_type_definition(self, sdef: ua.DataTypeDefinition) -> None: pass @syncmethod def write_value_rank(self, value: int) -> None: pass class Subscription: def __init__(self, tloop, sub): self.tloop = tloop self.aio_obj = sub @syncmethod def subscribe_data_change(self, nodes, attr=ua.AttributeIds.Value, queuesize=0, monitoring=ua.MonitoringMode.Reporting, sampling_interval=0.0): pass @syncmethod def subscribe_events( self, sourcenode=ua.ObjectIds.Server, evtypes=ua.ObjectIds.BaseEventType, evfilter=None, queuesize=0, ): pass def _make_monitored_item_request(self, node: SyncNode, attr, mfilter, queuesize, monitoring=ua.MonitoringMode.Reporting,) -> ua.MonitoredItemCreateRequest: return self.aio_obj._make_monitored_item_request(node, attr, mfilter, queuesize, monitoring) @syncmethod def unsubscribe(self, handle): pass @syncmethod def create_monitored_items(self, monitored_items): pass @syncmethod def delete(self): pass class XmlExporter: def __init__(self, sync_server): self.tloop = sync_server.tloop self.aio_obj = xmlexporter.XmlExporter(sync_server.aio_obj) @syncmethod def build_etree(self, node_list, uris=None): pass @syncmethod def write_xml(self, xmlpath: Path, pretty=True): pass class DataTypeDictionaryBuilder: def __init__(self, server, idx, ns_urn, dict_name, dict_node_id=None): self.tloop = server.tloop self.aio_obj = type_dictionary_builder.DataTypeDictionaryBuilder(server.aio_obj, idx, ns_urn, dict_name, dict_node_id) self.init() @property def dict_id(self): return self.aio_obj.dict_id @syncmethod def init(self): pass @syncmethod def create_data_type(self, type_name, nodeid=None, init=True): pass @syncmethod def set_dict_byte_string(self): pass def new_struct_field( name: str, dtype: Union[ua.NodeId, SyncNode, ua.VariantType], array: bool = False, optional: bool = False, description: str = "", ) -> ua.StructureField: if isinstance(dtype, SyncNode): dtype = dtype.aio_obj return common.structures104.new_struct_field(name, dtype, array, optional, description) @syncfunc(aio_func=common.structures104.new_enum) def new_enum( # type: ignore[empty-body] server: Union["Server", "Client"], idx: Union[int, ua.NodeId], name: Union[int, ua.QualifiedName], values: List[str], optional: bool = False ) -> SyncNode: pass @syncfunc(aio_func=common.structures104.new_struct) def new_struct( # type: ignore[empty-body] server: Union["Server", "Client"], idx: Union[int, ua.NodeId], name: Union[int, ua.QualifiedName], fields: List[ua.StructureField], ) -> Tuple[SyncNode, List[SyncNode]]: pass